Chapter 3 (MOTHER'S HEART)

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So, as they fell asleep, One of MM's (Mother Mairest) Bodyguard kidnapped SoftBf and put him in the basement which is where Bf got tortured since he was in high school. Pico woke up without Bf on his side, he was very worried while blaming himself that he shouldn't have let his guard down, he shouldn't sleep and just guard the whole place for them to be safe. Then he found something that makes him more worried. The alleyway where they rest is usually clean since they are the only one who's always in there. There was a gas bomb literally on his feet make him think that he didn't lose the pest on his tail, they just hid themselves to fool our couple and kidnap our Softie.

\\Third person's POV//

After the Bodyguard got out of the Alleyway where they got Bf, they drove back to MM's house and tied him up in a wooden chair where Bf got all of his cigarette burn. FF came down to the basement and wake him up using a bucket of water and splash him with it and throw the bucket on his head which make him woke up instantly confused.

\\Bf's POV//

I woke up wet with a headache, I look at the floor and it make me feel anxious. It feels familiar, I feel like I'm in my parent's basement and guess what, my father is there. I'm so afraid like I really want Pico to get me instantly in this hell.

"Look at you, Ben. You look like a wet chick walking with that homeless rat. Do you really think I'm going to let of my son to that PEST?!" FF scolding Bf while lighting his cigarette.

"You guys can go now." FF ordered the bodyguards.

"Okay sir." The two bodyguards say calmly.

"Ok, now sports, you know what you did wrong." FF said with a forced smile and about to put the cigarette on his neck.

"D-dad! W-we can talk about t-this? R-right?" Bf said, begging for it does not touch him. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" Bf shouted in pain with tears dropping on his cheeks

"Too late for that, Sports." FF said calmly. "You rebellious brat, you should listen to me, to your mother! You are supposed to listen to your parent! You know that we know what's best for you! You know that!" FF shouting obviously angry

\\3rd person's POV//

Bf remained silent and still enduring the pain. Let's just say that he has new 10 burn on his neck, chest and back. FF said, "Regret everything you've decided on your own." then he left him in the dark, wet, crying and hopeless. During the torture happening in the basement, MM is writing a new song to compose, she doesn't care about the screaming she's hearing since she is blaming her son to everything, and she thinks he deserves that kind of punishment.

\\Pico's POV//

I went to MM and FF's house to see if Softie is here and yes, he is. I got more worried at the that he screams, I sure know he's being tortured right now, and I wish I could help until I got an idea. I ran to Gf's house. I knock the door gently. Gf came out then she was about to close the door and I forced to open it.

"Yo! What the heck!" Gf shouted in surprise.

"Gf, I-I need your help, to save Bf." I said while huffing.

"What do you mean?" Gf got startled when she heard Bf. "Where is he? How is he? What did you do?" She asked in worried.

"He's been kidnapped by Father Fairest and getting tortured in the basement, I'm not sure if he's good or in the middle of living and death." I spoke.

She got back and asked her parent if she can go walk for a bit with her friends and her parents agreed and grabbed her big bag with wheels, it was full of gift for Bf but for this time she put it to her bed first and said:

Can I live normally? (SOFT PICO X BENJAMIN [BF]) {OMEGAVERSE}Where stories live. Discover now