Untitled Part 4

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In her head, Sophia knew that she couldn't possibility leave her sister-- and even so, she knew that when the conductor told her the horrifying true... there would be trouble. She breathed a sigh, once again Riley and her feelings were more important to her then anything else in the world. Trudging through the ankle-deep snow she struggle but finally after a time she managed to grab onto a little bar that was placed at the doors entrance.

Sophia made her way onto the train, she had to find her sister before the conductor, unintentionally opening one of it train car passenger entrances in the process-- the door was sliding one, green, with red trim around it as a round glass window was paced in its center.

Instantly when she closed it behind her, she was greeted by-- tons of children, both young and people who looked about to be in there teens. The youngsters were running at a save speed back and forth across the train while it looked to be as if the teenagers and their fellow siblings were having a hard time keeping them inline.

The little ones were also screiching something at the top of their lungs, the only thing that managed to stop that racket was the conductor yelling.

"Tickets" he said making his way down the isle. "Tickets, please".

"Tickets". he held up his trusty ticket hole puncher.

"Ticket, please". He announced when he got to Sophia though she just stared blankly up at him. "Try your pocket". He sounded rather impatient. Through when Sophia tried, she noticed the pocket of her big, old coat had a hole that was big enough for at least two of her fingers to fit through. "Try your other pocket".

Sophia was less-than-hopeful as she reached her hand into the other pocket of her long, tattered, old coat. Only to be left were she sat, looking stunned at the golden train ticket in her hand.

She hesitantly handed it over to be punched, ticket bit flew out everywhere- Sophia squinted as to not get any in her eyes, she made a spit sound with her mouth as one to a couple almost entered.

"Thank you, madam". He exclaimed gratefully, upon giving it back to the girl.

Riley and Sophia's Adventures Aboard The Polar ExpressWhere stories live. Discover now