Quirk Info

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You have three quirks Puppetry, Demon and illusion

Puppetry basically allows you to control anything and anyone you've touched for more than 7 seconds.

Demon allows you to do anything a demon can. Such as shoot fire from your hands and you get wings when you want you can also set your wings on fire. You alsohave an inner demon who can take control over you if you let it.

also illusion allows you to create an illusion to the eyes of who you please.

Drawbacks for puppetry: you can only so up to four ppl if you do more than that your nose will bleed and you'd get a large heavy headache and pass out.

Drawbacks for demon: if you shoot fire from your hands over the max your ahamds and arms will start to burn.  If you use your flame wings over the max your back will start to burn. If your hella weak your inner demon will take control and cause destruction and kill people.

Drawbacks for illusion: if you go over the limit you will start seeing illusions, bad illusions from your past you'll also get a huge headache and be out for weeks.

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