Chapter 11: Wave of Déjà Vu

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Watching the camera crash to the ground, bumped from Joselyn's hands, brought back the memory that eerily played out before my very eyes

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Watching the camera crash to the ground, bumped from Joselyn's hands, brought back the memory that eerily played out before my very eyes. That Rhea stood next to the desk in the corner, a terrycloth robe around her naked shoulders, Nolan, and Jos beside her. They each stared in my direction, but no one made eye contact or reacted the way I thought they would if they saw me.

The most important question hounded me. Why was I observing this scene and being forced to relive it? It was the exact same event as before, but now I was seeing it from a different perspective.

Was there something I could do to stop or change what had already happened? How would that be possible? Judging my surroundings made it difficult to decipher if I had been given a blessing or a curse.

Confused, I cocked my head, witnessing what I always suspected but never quite known until now. As Nolan wrapped his arms around that Rhea to comfort her, his eyes were indeed locked onto Jos's swaying hips as she click-clacked her way out of the studio.

Was that why time had rewound and brought me to the start of the weekend, to show me what a douche Nolan had been? The effort was pointless as I was more than familiar with his evil ways. What other reason was there to have me witness these instants? There was no need to push me back to these moments. Since the strike of the phone to my gut, I knew I should've left him. And even all the little cruel incidents before had made me questioned why I hadn't.

I knew now. I allowed his manipulation to hold me hostage, unwillingly letting his control seep in and convince me to act against my best interest. That had to be the reason. Or at least one of them. I knew better now, so what was the point of this? What was the point of making me watch these acts again?

The scene before me slowly faded into blackness at the thought, leaving me surrounded in a dark emptiness. Although I couldn't see much, the feeling of existing in a never-ending open space enveloped me.

Was this place Heaven, Hell, or something in between?

None of my questions were being answered, and a fear of being watched caused my skin to crawl. The sensation of my hair literally standing on end came over me like an ethereal mermaid in the stagnant waters of time. No matter how much I tried to get my hair to fall, the lack of gravity in the place kept it splayed around my head like the injured, lifeless Rhea Nolan left blooded on the floor.

I could see it now, the life slowly leaving her eyes while the long, red waves of her locks fanned out around her head like a crown of fire. Only to spread with the trail of blood that extended out like tenacles of an underwater sea creature. I didn't like that image, and I shook my head to erase it from my mind.

I gazed around the space, searching for and awaiting whatever approached. The soles of my shoes grazed the solid ground but there was no doubt that my body was floating. A sensation I wasn't sure I could get used to, but was surprised that somehow I maneuvered through it. The quietness of the space should have been nice, warm, and welcoming. Instead, a sense of dread swept over me, jostling my fears, awakening a sense of unease that I couldn't shake. A mysterious presence caused my skin to prickle with its energy and I turned to confront what stood behind me.

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