Tea party

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I drop the bag, with a sigh of relief, and flop into my chair. God it feels good to be home. We've been on the road for so long, I almost forgot what it looks like. Thank God the break came up so quickly, I'm on the verge of cutting Nikki open and running him up my flagpole.

He can't keep a fucking needle of his arm, and even mixed heroin in with a bump of coke and offered it to me. I think he legitimately had tried to off me.

Mari comes in behind me, dragging Salami, and two other animals in her arms. A jet black cat affectionately named kitty sixx, and a surprisingly docile baby possum she just picked up but already insists on calling Mick.

"Dude I don't think it's an inside pet." I remark after watching her try to put "Mick" into a dress and failing.

"Shit." She mumbles, letting the possum free as it skitters around the house. I let out a small scream as it runs under my legs and into the kitchen. Why do I let her bring these things into our house?

"Okay so I know I said it was gonna be like relaxing and shit but the next two days will be really kinda busy." I start, pouring myself some water, because I have a meeting with my probation officer tomorrow.

Can't have the fun stuff then. 

"Why?" She asks, still playing on the floor.

"Well tomorrow, I have a meeting with my probation officer, and I was invited to some chicks party tomorrow night, and then the day after that, you get to meet your half siblings."

"I don't want to meet them." She scrunches her face up.


Shrug. "Because you're MY daddy. " She informs me, wrapping herself around my leg. "I still want you to love me." She whispers, and I swear she's crying.

"Why wouldn't I love you?"

"You're replacing me. Mommy always said she would."

I don't know wether to laugh or give her a sympathetic look. How could I ever replace her? Plus, it's not like she hasn't seen Elizabeth and Neil in passing before.

I gingerly pick her up, careful not to hurt her stomach. "Well I won't replace you I swear. Who would I sing to at night?" I mumble as she lays her head on my shoulder.

She sniffles but doesn't say anything, breaking my poor heart. "How can I make it better?" I ask, glancing out the window.

"Uhhhhh...." She starts, lifting her head up. "TEA PARTY!"

"A tea party?" I scrunch up my nose.

Mari nods and giggles. A tea party? Is that rock n roll? Probably not. But you know what? What Mari wants, Mari gets.

"Oh and my uncles too." She demands, squirming in my arms, trying to get down.

I put her on the floor and crack up as she skitters around the house on hands and knees chasing the possum. I slather some mayo and mustard on my ham and cheese sandwich, and sit down on the floor to eat, not being bothered to make it to the table. 

I wonder what people think we do off tour. I mean we do all of the usual stuff, drugs, hoes, music...but we also do shit like watch our five year old chase possums around y'know? It's a good balance in my opinion.

"So when do you want the tea party?" I mumble, mouth full.

Mari stops and gives me a confused look. I gulp the rest of my sandwich down before retrying.

"When do you want the tea party?" I ask again.

"Today!!!" She squeals, playing with her toys.


She nods. I sigh and pick up the phone to call Sixx, Lee, and Mars. A few minutes later, all the plans are made and Mari is dragging her  toy tea set outside and comes back in, excited.

"Daddy, daddy lets dress!" Mari squeals, grabbing my hand.

"Dress?" I ask, not quite sure what she means.

"YEAH! Princess daddy!"

Oh fuck.  This is gonna go well...not. Mari drags me to her room and starts grabbing her skirts and her favorite piece of clothing, Razzles scarf. 

"Here!" She says, handing me tutu that my ex girlfriend had given Mari a while back.

"Uhhh...fuck..." I mumble, trying to fit into a tutu made for a chick.

I put one leg in, and then the other, and start trying to squeeze it up over my hips, not having much success so far.

I hold my breath and try again, trying not to rip the fabric as I finally manage to pull it up and strike a pose. Mari giggles and looks absolutely delighted, cheering me up a bit about this whole situation, seeing her smile, it feels like it's been so long. She's been so overwhelmed with pain.

I chuckle and stumble down the stairs to the backyard, Mari following me seconds afterward. She plops down next to her tea set and plays with her teacup quietly.

Nikki and Tommy arrive first since they live closer, and they're...a wreck to put it nicely. Tommy's eyes are puffy and bloodshot like he's been crying, and Nikki is pale as shit, wearing sunglassess, and his hands are covered in track marks.

Mari looks over at them and then runs to Nikki, wrapping her arms tightly around him and nearly knocking him over.

He hugs her back after a moment, seemingly coming to his senses. "Heyyyyy Starry eyes." He chuckles, tousling her hair as she leads him back to her tea set.

Tommy sits next to me, on the opposite side from Nikki and Mari, and the little drama lover inside me is tempted to ask if something is wrong. 

The tension is thick, as it's clear that Nikki and Tommy won't talk to each other, Mari tells them both about the tea party and how it works. 

"Oh really? That's interesting." Mick chuckles, sneaking up behind Mari and patting her  head. 

"Mick!" She squeals, jumping up to hug him and then making him sit.

"Mmmm...good tea." Nikki laughs, sipping imaginary tea from the cup and "eating" from the food.

"Agreed!" I say in an overdramatic British accent.

"Vince..." Tommy starts, glancing at me "The fuck are you wearing?"

"It's a fuckin tutu."

"It looks fucking weird!"

"If my daughter wants me to wear a tutu I'm gonna wear the goddamn tutu."

Tommy shrugs in concession, but every time he looks at me I hear him chuckle.

Mari yawns, and eventually ends up falling asleep in Nikkis lap and the second she's asleep, Tommy up and leaves.

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