Sixteen: Halloween

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Warnings for this chapter: teenage party with roofies. Buckle up, folks.

He had taken me to my house before it got too late. I had been staying with Eddie so much that I figured I could wake up at home on my birthday. I walked through the door after Eddie dropped me off and my mom didn't even look over at me, but Dustin did and he smiled.

"I was hoping you'd at least be here for tomorrow.'' He was definitely happy to see me.

"Yeah, I was beginning to wonder if you even lived here anymore. You're not even 18 yet and you are throwing your life away for some boy and living with him." Mom mumbled, continuing to knit something.

"Mom, can you at least be civil for her birthday?" Dustin sighed.

"Oh yes, her birthday. Not that she needs to be here for it, your father won't be calling tomorrow as usual. He actually won't ever call again. He got married to some bimbo last week and called to say that since you are turning 18 and he's starting a new life, he will no longer be sending payments and ceasing all contact. But you'd know that if you showed up every once in a while. I hope he doesn't get you pregnant or else you'll be dealing with this in 18 years."

My bag fell from my hand and Dustin tried pulling me to my room. I knew that he knew about my abortion, Eddie had explained it to him and told him it was why I was sick. I would be fucking lucky to have Eddie's children one day, I hope I fucking do. This woman ... had the upside down killed me at any point, she'd never care. Guess I'll never get to give her pleasure.

"Denny, come on," Dustin whispered.

"You know what Mom, while you've been so worried about Dustin and loving him, I've done so much that you've missed. Your oldest child, your firstborn, is going to graduate high school and you don't even care! You only care about your precious baby boy while your DAUGHTER has needed you this whole time! I went all of high school without a good relationship because I barely know what love feels like. Dustin only lost one parent when Dad left but I lost both!"

"Denise, I love you but you don't apply yourself to anything! All you do is rebel against me and do things you shouldn't! I won't support that, young lady. Those tattoos, you smoke, you don't have good grades, and now you are with one of those Satanists."

"Mom!" Dustin frowned. "He's my friend, too. He's helped me a lot in school. You know I've played that same game with my friends."

"You know what? I don't have to put up with this. One day, when I am away from this town and you have ruined this relationship, I hope you look back and feel miserable and guilty. Because I won't come back." I turned and walked to my room with Dustin, not even feeling the urge to cry.

When I opened my door to walk in with Dustin, Eddie was laying on my bed in just his boxers and I had to cover Dustin's mouth before he screamed. This was supposed to be our secret: if I slept at home, Eddie would crawl through my window and sleep with me. But this was never supposed to happen.

Eddie pulled a blanket over himself while laughing and I shoved Dustin into my room with me and shut the door before Mom heard my laughing.

"Jesus Christ!" Dustin tried not to yell, covering his eyes. "Do you always sleep in here?!" He whisper yelled.

"If I am home, yes." I chuckled and sat next to him.

"Denny, what happened?" Eddie asked, grabbing my hand. When I get anxious or nervous I have a habit of clenching my fists and scratching my palm. And that conversation with my mother definitely made me nervous so I had fresh scratch marks and Eddie knew me too well.

"I'm fine, baby," I whispered and kissed his forehead.


I turned to Dustin with a gasp and threw my pillow at him. Dustin caught it with a laugh and Eddie pulled me down so he could hold me.

That evening Dustin hung out with us, talking about school and Eddie's next campaign. After a couple of hours, he fell asleep on my floor while Eddie and I lay in bed talking.

"Thoughts on renting or owning." He asked, running his fingers through my hair. We had turned our conversation into one of the future.

"I want to own and set roots but anything can happen and force you to move so it's tricky. Plus if you rent, your landlord pays for it." I chuckled. "Thoughts on kids."

"I wouldn't mind a little hellion or two running around. Early morning cuddles with you getting interrupted by the cutest little spawn, snuggling between us and being the biggest cock block in the world."

Cuddles with you. He was not only thinking of a future but a future with me. "That sounds nice." I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Go to sleep, lovely lady. We have school in the morning." He kissed my forehead.

The next day went by in a whiz. Robin brought me my favorite: banana bread. I tried to stray too much away from the crowds after my birthday was announced but Andy and that crowd kept stealing looks my way.

Eddie and I went to the party in matching costumes of Cher and Sonny, mostly mingling with Robin. I was super excited as the music got louder and Eddie pulled me in for a dance. My crappy wig for the costume kept trying to fall off, which kept making Eddie laugh. He walked away to grab us some drinks and I stood next to Robin. That's when I noticed one of the college girls that graduated last year.

"I don't want it to be too obvious but there's definitely someone checking you out," I smirked, nudging Robin.

Robin made a quick glance to where I was looking and she gasped, looking back at me. "Oh, she's cute. Who is she?"

"She graduated last year, her name is Jess Backly. She hung out with the scholar bowl kids. Super smart and quiet. She's definitely cute and she is totally checking you out. You should go talk to her, at least be friendly." I smiled, urging her on. Robin took a sip of her beer and nodded.

"You know what? Why not! Just tonight I want to feel like a rebellious teenager. Love you, wish me luck!" Robin smiled and walked away. I laughed and waved goodbye.

One of the jocks was walking around, handing out cups to everyone, and offered me one. I took it and just as I was about to drink it, Eddie came running from the kitchen and smacked it out of my hand. Jason then came out from the same area, pulling Andy by his arm.

"Anyone that has accepted a drink from Andy or some other guy wearing a letter jacket, throw it away. They were slipping roofies in the drinks and offering them to the girls." The owner of the house said, punching Andy in the gut.

"And from now on if Andy or any other Hawkins athlete causes you problems you let me know immediately. I'm not putting up with it anymore. You cause problems, you're off the team."

I looked at Jason in disbelief but it sort of made sense. Ever since he started dating Chrissy, he wasn't such a total ass. I guess when you love a girl, the thought of someone hurting other girls was a bit more serious.

"Damn. You just can't go to a Halloween party without making it interesting." Eddie laughed in my ear, wrapping his arms around me.

I really do believe that even tho we hated Jason, what drove him mad was how much he loved Chrissy. Just maybe don't resort to killing innocent ppl? Idk, just a thought. What do I know.

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