His absence

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Lucienne,Morpheus and Y/n had gotten inside the decayed castle worried about something the three of you looked around
Broken walls shattered glass broken pieces
of furnitures it was painful to see your own
work has broken down,He was gone all of the sudden the whole realm become dead
Y/n's Fairies some of them were gone even the king's staff had gone only Lucienne left
You felt dizzy and fell the vision is blurry full whit fear your the type of fairy that can see
visions,Futures and more you saw a blonde man whit circle glasses and a suit on him
He was known as the boogeyman The kings enemy you felt fear,He knew Morpheus had
escape his cell full filled whit fear on you
Morpheus came and held you, You fainted
That faint was a sign where you see things
He looked at you deeply knowing you will be awake in no time but you took your time to explore the future itself it was scary you opened your eyes and breathing heavily
"What happen?!" Lucienne said worriedly
"They saw it" Morpheus said and cared your cheeks you felt shivers on your spine
"They saw what my lord?" She ask
"The future.." He said and helped you stand up you were scared of what's going to happen in the future Today..

He walked around while you and lucienne
walk behind him you were looking at your surroundings it felt broken in here.

He kneeled down and grab a blue piece of a shattered glass the broken glass,wood and more began to float at thin air Morpheus is trying to rebuild the castle again but he fell
"My lord!, You need food and rest,You need rest so you can have your full strength back" Lucienne added.
Your pov
I was left at the kingdom just stood there like i knew what had happened like Lucienne said 'The library' I came to a big enormous wooden door and open it
I saw the bookshelf were empty all broken down rat everywhere i didn't pay too much of it i touched the bookshelf and felt something at the past the King had read some of the books here i giggled at my thoughts.

All Though he had a deep powerful voice
He said he don't need his siblings help
when he can help himself to the nightmares at the waking world i always want to see the outside of our Realm
but i can't i have a job to do at my village
I look through the shelf's were some of the books fell to the shelf's i open them and they were blank this was the book or journal that the king wrote over years ago
I had heard footstep from the hallways
i knew the king and lucienne had return to the palace i quickly walked there.     

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