On hold

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Night time
You can't sleep

You clearly can't fall asleep since you and lucienne was at your village both of you sleeping there out of no where a man dress
in all black it was like Morpheus but a blurry version of him sitting next to your bed.
"My lord? Its night you should take a rest" He was blurry you thought that your vision is blurry, He nodded but little did you know he couldn't sleep either so he began to lean
to your bed laying beside you, You blushed at his behavior and he hugged you.

You were on his chest comfortable on what his doing his drifted to sleep on your arms
You smiled at his sleeping face he was cute
while resting or napping even sleeping...  

Next day

I woke up alone on the bed i expected that
Morpheus had gotten up early i guess..
I put on my robe and came downstairs where Lucienne was "Good morning, Ma'am" she greeted i smiled at her kindness "Please,Don't call me Ma'am call me Y/n" I smiled and she nodded
"Here y/n i made you coffee" She handed me the mug "Thank you, Lucienne" I said
"So..Wheres Morpheus?" I ask she turn
"Ohh i believe his in Hell whit Matthew, To get his Helm" She added "They're In hell?"
I couldn't believe the helm was in there
"Y/n?" "Hmm?" "I saw you and Endless hugging last night.." She smirks
"Oh.. He came to my room, i think he had return after he got the sand" I said sipping the coffee on my hand "Ohh.." She cut off
"But, Endless didn't come home last night"
She said i was confused if that isn't Endless
It must be a dream, That's why my vision is blurry last night he came to my room
"I think it was a dream or an.." I cut off
It can't be our cousin The illusionist..
"Who y/n it can't be who?" She ask
"Our cousin.." I added "Cousin?"
"Micheal..The illusionist, and my Sister
Memory holder..Her name is Kris" I said
They have their own realm, They had work.
"Ohh..I believe it is your sister trying to help?" She said "No..They kept teasing me"
"Why is that?" "Look, Lucienne don't tell morpheus that i like him and my sister and out cousin knew i love him.." I frowned
"Ohh dear! I knew it all this time!"
"Why?How did you know?" I ask and sit by the chair near the dinner table
"Well you see i see the way you and him look at each other and i know he likes you"
"No..I know he doesn't feel the same way!"
"He will not untill you confess to him, He will loved you back" She said and held me
"Alright..I don't know how to say it.."
"Just reveal your feelings for him!"
"Ok then ill do it when the right time is here" 

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