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• 11 years later•
• Kensi •
The Twins had just turned 11 last week and we're all ready starting to act like mini teenagers. But luckily for us they usually get along.
I had to get ready for work so I told deeks to go wake them up and after ten minutes they were up and ready to go.
"I don't want to go out"Riley complained
"We're off to ops"I say in the same grumpy voice she used
"Could've just said that"they both said and within five minutes they were both ready to go
We all got in the car and drove to ops in silence.
"Hey uncle Callen and grandad Sam"the twins shouted as they walked in
"Grandad"Sam said. The look on his face made everyone laugh
Deeks handed each twin a fiver.
They highfived then Eric called for us up in ops. The twins aren't supposed to help but they stay and help Eric and Nell in ops and sometimes drink tea with Hetty. They can put smiles on everyone's face even grangers.
"What we got" Hallie says stealing Callens line. And with that deeks hands her four pound and she gives half of it to Riley.
I glare at deeks
"So naval commanding officer Jeremy stacks was found in a MMA gum along with a note too all of you including hetty and the twins.
We have read them all but the most threatening one was sent to Riley.
A confused look came over her face then she said.
"When I went to the shop yesterday that man there, he followed me"
"Have you seen him before"Sam asked her
"I see him everywhere even when he pars out side our house, I thought it was a coincidence"she said
"there's no such thing as coincidences" Hallie said remembering when she met special agent leroy Jethro Gibbs. She always follows his rules.
"Sorry"Riley mumbled and walked off
We listened to more details while we have Riley some time to cool off.
"Well we'll go to the crime scene"Sam and Callen say
"I'll go to his house and Deeks could you go find Riley" I say
And with that we all walk away.
After finding nothing in his house. I check his shed. It's full off photos of Riley. Then I see another girl that catches my eye. It looked like Tony and Zivas daughter Caitlyn. Yes that's right they had a kid seven years ago. Once I had took photos updated ops and Callen, I rung Ziva
K- hey Zi. Is Caitlyn there
Z- yeah why
I sent her the photos and she started to cry. She kept seeing this man but he doesn't look like your dead guy.
Z- Let me call Tony he has Caitlym at the store.
She hangs up and messages me
Z- She's in protective custody.
K- ok bye Zi
I drove back to ops avoiding lapd then as I got there deeks had tears in his eyes
I hug him and ask what's wrong.
Nell played me a video off. Riley getting stuffed into the van but she throws a few punches and the guys let go off her. One grabs her and she kicks him in the none de plumes as deeks would say. She runs off dropping her phone.

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