EW Rat Fish

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Rat Fish had always hated SEWERS RAT EMPIRE with its manky, mammoth MURDEROUS CATS. It was a place where she felt SAD.

She was an EW, FANÇÈY, MILK TEA (MY FAV) drinker with BRUNNETTE NOSE and GINGER VAG-LEGS. Her friends saw her as a raw, real RAT. Once, she had even rescued a strange THE CHILD THAT HAS BEEN DROPPED MANY TIMES from a burning building. That's the sort of woman he was.

Rat walked over to the window and reflected on her RABIES surroundings. The DARKY teased like FARTING RATS?.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Idiota Fish. Idiota was a charming SCAWY with IDK NOSE and RAT LEGS.

Rat gulped. She was not prepared for Idiota.

As Rat stepped outside and Idiota came closer, she could see the hushed glint in his eye.

"I am here because I want family," Idiota bellowed, in a cold-blooded tone. He slammed his fist against Rat's chest, with the force of 1262 mouse. "I frigging hate you, Rat Fish."

Rat looked back, even more IDFK and still fingering the magic vibra-MESAAGGER. "Idiota, I AM YOUR FISH FATHER," she replied.

(Oh shi-ehem mother or father she can pick)

They looked at each other with FARTY feelings, like two calm, condemned CATS EWWW SMACKING (NOT SUS NOT SUS) at a very STUPID RAT REVOLUTION DAY, which had KPOP music playing in the background and two selfish uncles LAUGHING to the beat.

Suddenly, Idiota lunged forward and tried to punch Rat in the face. Quickly, Rat grabbed the magic vibra-MESAAGGER and brought it down on Idiota's skull.

Idiota's IDK NOSE trembled and his RAT LEGS wobbled. He looked WOW, his body raw like a thoughtless, tense TEA.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Idiota Fish was dead.

Rat Fish went back inside and made herself a nice drink of MILK TEA.


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