Chapter 24 | Fins Up

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"So are you sure there wasn't any frolicking of any kind?" Shyla asks with a raised brow, nudging Rhea's shoulder teasingly.

Rhea huffs, crossing her arms over her chest as. "No, there wasn't any 'frolicking'" She replies, holding up to bunny ears as she mimics Shyla's voice.

The waves crash in the distance as dinner goes on, Merlia, Kiaa, and Rhea on one side laughing. It was a relaxing day, ending in a traditional dinner we always have on saturday nights.

The smell of Italian pizza dances through the air. The restaurant was one we had all been going to since we were young, with warm lighting and classical Italian music playing in the background.

"You sure there wasn't? I mean I could see the sexual tension like a fucking thread." I chuckle, taking a short sip of my wine, before leaning on my arm.

Rhea's face instantly reddens as she shushes me loudly. She looks behind us, catching sight of Adrian at the bar.

Since she was still under house lock because of her psychotic boyfriend, Adrian made it no exception for her to be alone without protection.

"Rhea it's not like he can hear us from all the way over here." Shyla starts, taking another slice of the delicious pizza. She turns around, bringing her shoulders close to her chest, "You don't know that! He literally caught me trying to sneak out of my window when his room was downstairs!" She exclaims with a huff, making Shyla and I giggle.

"I feel like a teenager all over again." She groans, tilting her head back and she starts praying. Shyla laughs, taking a sip of her sprite before turning to me.

"So," She starts, holding her hands close to her chest. "I hear you signed the deal on Fins Up?"

My face immediately brightens up, shocks of excitement racing through me. What she said was true, in fact, the aquarium I was visiting a couple of days ago had been a huge success.

The corporation was to shine light on places like SeaWorld, who were a corrupted business that used the animals for entertainment.

Fins Up had rallies, and huge meetings across Europe and America to raise awareness on how SeaWorld is abusing these orcas. For one, the living conditions for orcas are cramped and not nearly as big enough.

The fucking tanks are like kitty pools for the damn orcas.

Luckily, more and more corporations have decided to shine light on it, which is why I signed the deal with Fins Up. Which is huge, considering I have donated 10 million for them to build multiple aquariums with big enough tanks for the orcas.

The benefit of this as well is that the tanks will be connected to the actual ocean, so once these orcas are in good enough living conditions they can be set out into the wild again.

Hopefully with this deal signing it can lead to SeaWorld finally being shut down, because these animals are NOT for human entertainment.


"I think that's enough for today" I say, trying to catch my breath as I lean against the boxing ring. The smell of cigarettes and sweat travel through my nose. It's not the most comforting smell, but it will suffice.

We had been training for what feels like hours now, and my legs feel like noodles. Ruth chuckles, stepping out of the ring, to carry a package that was left on a chair.

"We've only been boxing for thirty minutes" She says, pulling a gasp out of me. I breathe out, looking at my watch to see if she was correct.

God help me.

"Hit 'Em Up" by 2pac plays in the background, the sound of car tools and people talking going around the room.

Unlike most days, there were a couple of people in the large garage this time, most of them working on car engines and some working on laptops.

Why the hell are they working on laptops? I don't know.

"Here," She says, throwing a towel and a pair of comfortable clothes at me, "Shower quickly in the back, we have to be somewhere." I scrunch my brows, catching the towel and clothes swiftly before standing up. "We?" I ask, stepping out of the ring before taking out my sweaty ponytail.

She nodded, stepping on her cigarette before taking off her gloves, "Yep, in about an hour or so. I suggest getting into the shower." She says, turning down a hallway as she yells something at someone fixing a car. "Where are we going exactly?" I ask, my mind flowing with ideas of where we are going.

She smirks, looking at me from the side before laughing.

"It's a surprise, lost lover." She teases.

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