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Chenle's POV
Hours Later | 3pm


After a few hours, the others that had left started flocking back in with books in hand

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After a few hours, the others that had left started flocking back in with books in hand. They all seemed to have found something that could be useful from how confident they're walking.

"Jisung is still asleep??"

Renjun asked, suddenly becoming worried as he approached us.

"He might still be exhausted from what happened last night. He did chose trying to shift instead of resting, so that would make sense"

"It's probably best that he's resting like this today. He's likely going to be up all night tonight after he shifts to his other form, and the full moon is tomorrow. He's going to need this time to rest since we don't what will happen tomorrow"

Taeyong and I explained while Renjun gently pet him.

"So what did you guys find?"

Jeno asked, becoming curious by the books they had brought.

"We got these books that have a lot of information about werewolves. We didn't get to look through them much, but there should be some valuable information in them"

Shotaro explained as Sungchan held onto the five books they found at our school.

"We went to a few public libraries around here, but we could only find these two books"

Ten added with a bit of disappointment laced in his voice.

"And we found these three at the bookstores we went to around here"

Jaemin pointed at the three books that Yukhei had stored in a bag after purchasing them.

"We found some pieces of information online, but I believe we should focus on the books first. It's just a shame that it might take a while..."

YangYang sighed.

"Hmm.. How about we head to the range? We can look over everything there, and be in the comfort of the indoors. And if you guys want, I could order some takeout or something"

Taeyong kindly offered.

"That'll definitely be for the best. If this takes as long as I think it will, we'll likely be tired by the time we finish. There's enough beds for all of us at the range, so we can sleep there if this takes all night"

"We could even stay there tomorrow for the full moon. It's a pretty secure location and we'll all likely be safe there"

Johnny and Sicheng concluded.

"In that case, I'll carry Jisung to the car"

Jaehyun insisted, immediately picking up Jisung while he was still sleeping.

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