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Nobody's POV
Minutes Later | The Woods


Mark and Donghyuck shifted into their Night Howler forms while the other wolves ran with Taeyong and Jaehyun in their normal forms

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Mark and Donghyuck shifted into their Night Howler forms while the other wolves ran with Taeyong and Jaehyun in their normal forms.

They all stayed close to Chenle since he was the only one that could track Jisung down, due to their link. But unlike before, their link became all the more confusing once Jisung changed.

After the game ended, Chenle's happy and cheerful spirit suddenly dissipated as his head began to pound. Along with his headache, he immediately felt a strength and tightness in his body that he had never felt before. He knew from that moment that something had happened to Jisung, and witnessing what happened with him and Yuta on their FaceTime call only confirmed it.

After alerting his team and coach that he had to leave due to an emergency, he immediately rushed with the others to their vehicles and made their way back to Kun's home as fast as they could. As they continued to get closer to their destination, Chenle's headache only seemed to get worse and he felt himself becoming just a little bit stronger than before.

By the time they reached the home and he burst through the front door, Chenle was agitated because of his headache and wanted nothing more than to help Jisung remove the pendant that caused their pain. But even after Jisung escaped and ran away, Chenle could still feel exactly where he was no matter how far he got from him. He didn't understand how he suddenly became a tracker that could pinpoint his exact location, but he was determined to find and help Jisung even more.

They followed Jisung for about ten minutes, and Chenle eventually alerted them that he was very close by.

"We should proceed with caution and sneak up to him from here. I know that he has foresight and all, but it's clearly not working for him right now. He could've seen us coming and attacked us the moment I opened the door, but he didn't. He's too far gone in his mind to see anything coming right now"

"Right.. So, what's our plan of action once we reach him?"

Jeno whispered, walking right at his brother's side.

"Mark-hyung and Donghyuck-hyung are the only ones that come close to his size, so they should be the ones to tackle him and pin him down. Once he's down, I can get on top of him so he can see my face. Then, I can try to snap him out of it and remove the pendant. I don't want the rest of you to get hurt, so you guys will act as the last resort to tire him out if he gets loose"

"We're alright with that. Taeyong-hyung and I know certain ways to get his attention that might help calm him down in that situation. But if there's a wolf way that might help bring him down, we'll rely on Johnny-hyung and Jeno to help us with that"

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