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The thudding of the sudden violent rain made me jump and almost drop my book, I was almost there. I opened my flip phone to check for any messages. No service. I could no longer concentrate on my book the noise of the rain on the blurred  window was too distracting, I look around to make sure I had everything: Suitcase (CHECK), Backpack (CHECK), Coat (CHECK), Phone (Check), Facemask (CHECK), Train ticket and wallet (DOUBLE CHECK). I had everything (well except from a stable mother and son relationship.)
"We are now entering Ivyer."

Before I go through the ticket machine I see a tall, smiling lady with a blonde Bob haircut. I rush to the ticket machine shaking in excitement trying to put the ticket it in a smile fills my face as I wait to go through, I can't wait so I walk quickly.
The ticket popped up but the doors aren't open. Then a beep the doors open I turn my head and thank the ticket person. I run into the tall blonde ladies arms.
"Hiya sweetie." She enthusiastically says
"Hi Aunt Mimi." I say with a tear rolling down my eye.
We step outside and I start to speak
I step in a big puddle drenching my pink converse and denim bootcut jeans.
I look up and before I can apologise Aunty Mimi hugs me and tells me "It's ok we can wash and dry them."

We arrive to a tall beautiful looking apartment building my jaw drops in unbelievability.
"Oh it's not that great." Mimi chuckles
"Here keep the change." She says happily

Carrying my suit case through and up the stairs of the lavender smelling hallway was no struggle but somewhat relaxing (after what I went through before going on the train)

Aunt Mimi opens the door and a white fluff ball comes scurrying out purring rubbing it's head on my suitcase. I crouch down to stroke the soft warm cat as it purrs like no tomorrow. The cat runs into the apartment,

I drag my suitcase in the living room with Aunt Mimi leading. We stop and she turns around so do I.
"The washing machine is in the kitchen." Mimi says softly pointing to a room. I remove my wet pink converse and my now grey supposed to be white socks and throw them in the washing machine.
I lay my suitcase down and unzip it rapidly, I scramble to find a large smiley face t-shirt and black cotton shorts along side pink fluffy socks.
I race to Mimi whose picking up the mail at the front door and I ask where the bathroom is so I can get change and get these wet uncomfortable bootcut jeans off. She points to a door on my right and says
"Over there sweetie."
She says in a kind tone
I speed off and quickly take off the jeans and put on my shorts then after taking off my coat,jumper and short sleeve t-shirt I put on the smiley t-shirt.

"Sweetie I'm going to pop to the shop round the corner of the apartment building would you like to come?" Mimi asked

"No thank you I'll start to get my clothes ready for tomorrow." I replied

"Ok see you in a few minutes" Mimi said walking away

I heard the door shut.
I ran to the kitchen and dropped off my bootcut jeans Infront of the washing machine with my other clothes.
Flinging my coat on the dining room chair I walk over to the suit case to find what other shoes I have.
Platform Flip flops.
I place them on the floor and walk backwards to the sofa and exhaustingly melt on it while my eyes start to get heavy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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