Chapter 6 misunderstanding

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*The next day*

I woke up brushed my teeth put my hair in a ponytail and put my toman uniform on I went down stairs and cooked pancakes and ate I then washed it headed out the door and put my keys in my motorcycle and drove off to meet with Mikey Draken I arrived and they both greeted me .

Hey N/nnn sup ''Princess'' Draken said in a sarcastic tone.

Really Draken yes because you gave me the nickname Godzilla shut up I said as I playfully punch his shoulder
Ready to get Takemitchi yeah.

we went inside and looked for Takemitchy when the 3rd years approached us Hey what are you doing here tell us or something is gonna happen.

Y/n Ken chin can you deal with them while I look for Takemitchy of course Mikey I said alright Draken said the 3rd years then ran towards us I had 5 around me while Draken had 6.

I was about to throw a punch when one of them asked me out I laughed then swung a punch to his face.

One tried to kick me in my stomach I caught his foot then I then elbowed his leg.

Then a punch was about to hit me  but I quickly reacted and knee him in the guts 2 down 3 more to go.

I kicked a guy that was about to uppercut me another came running towards me trying to punch me. but I hit the side of his head Draken do you need help ?

I asked no I'm good hey guys I'm back Mikey said walking towards us they just took out the 3rd years Takemitchi thought lay down on your stomachs in a line Y/n said Draken then yelled now ! 

They quickly formed a line and laid on there stomachs the three then began to walk on them while Takemitchi was walking on the floor.

Hey guys let's ride the bikes alright
We were about to leave when a pink haired girl stopped us stop right there she said huh we all went as we turn our heads.

she then slapped Mikey and grabbed Takemitchy then Draken grabbed her wrist and said so you think you can just slap him and piece out.

If your the reason why Takemitchi is coming home with bruise and bullying him.

I will protect him Takemitchy then put his hand on Draken shoulder get your hands off Hina HUH I CAN'T HEAR YOU. He shouted I..said GET YOUR HANDS OFF HINA he yelled Aw I was hoping we could be friends but I guess you want to die so tell me.

how do you want to die he asked with a death stare while I just watched he was about to punch Takemitchy when...

SIKE GOTCHA ! he said laughing while I joined with Draken and Mikey hey Hina you should be careful who you mess with you might not know who they are right she said. I will keep that in mind you know there's not that many guys that protect there girlfriend yeah you're lucky to have Takemitchy.

Oh yeah that reminds me when Baji helped me with this drunk dude WAIT WHAT !? they both said oh shit you weren't suppose to know that N/n tell us what happened now fine but not here we exited the school building sorry for slapping you.

she said bowing Hina then apologized for slapping Mikey it's fine really Mikey said.

We got on our bikes and rode off I was on the back Draken's bike while Mikey was on the back of Takemitchy bike Mikey why did you want to be friends with me that's a stupid question but I will tell you back in my brother's days delinquents.

we're cool and badass but my brother died I want to create a new era for delinquent my brother was a leader he always cleaned up his mess after he made them so I'm following his path you remind me of him.

Mikey then jumped off Takemitchy bike and Takemitchy stopped the bike  I have a offering for you will you join me in my adventure?

A/n idk if he said that but I forgot so uhh tell me if I'm wrong 😅

I don't know what to say he said
We're going to head back now Mikey said hey Takemitchy can I borrow your bike you won't mind walking I asked.

Yeah I don't mind I said alright we will see you later then as they disappeared in the sunset.

I saw a familiar face walk by me who was he again I thought was it hawkmoth or ki ..a.. something.

[Lmao 🤣 I had to I mean they both have the same smile]

I then went to Hina's apartment complex and rung her door bell

Hina answered Takemitchi hello hey Hina Takemitchi come watch the fire works with me we're watching the fireworks I grabbed Hina's and I looked over to see it was Naoto NAOTO noooo and zap...

I woke up

Takemitchi your awake so what happened I accidentally grabbed your hand.

WHATTTTT!!!! I also discovered something what happens when you time travel after explaining Mikey is a good guy he's nice and caring he also acts like a child too.

Would the Mikey you know kill people .... Because if I were you I kill him what are you crazy ?! Well how will you solve it huh Takemitchi the reason why Mikey is like this is because Y/n and Draken die

What why well Mikey killed Draken Y/n was stabbed.

your next Mission is to keep Draken and y/n alive i'm counting on you Takemitchi.


ZAP ⚡⚡

To be continued....

Idk how to explain the part of them fighting so here we are

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