1.1 ♡

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Your Pov.

Your alarm clock went off, suddenly beeping and slightly startling you. You resisted the urge to hit snooze like you've been doing for the past 15 minutes. You hit dismiss and slowly roll over to the center of your bed.

God it's to early for this.

You sit up out of your bed, rubbing your eyes and moving the hair out of your face. You glance over at your alarm clock and-


You shuffle out of bed quickly, realizing that you only have 20 minutes to get ready for school.  You run to your closet, stumbling over your school bag that leans against your bed.

You open your closet, deciding quickly what your going to wear. You had to think longer than usual because it's once again, the first day of school. Usually for kids in your grade it isn't that exciting, but secretly, you love school.

Not just for socializing with friends, but just because you where good at it, especially art. You have a strong passion for art, or at least doodling on your math homework.

Shaking your head, trying to rid the cloudy thoughts in your mind you walk to your bathroom deciding to get ready for your day. You picked out a simple black shirt with some ripped jeans and went to your bathroom to get ready.

10 minutes later.

After getting out of the bathroom you didn't even realize how much time you spent getting ready. You grabbed your school bag, putting in the necessities, books, paper, your MacBook / iPad , some writing utensils.

You picked up your book bag, slinging it over your shoulder. You walked over to your nightstand unplugging your phone, flashing your background of you and your best friend Alec. You smiled at the thought of seeing him more this year.

You got caught up in your thoughts once again. You then checked the time, 5 minutes before you had to leave. You decided to sit back on your bed, mentally trying to prepare yourself for the first day of school, as it can sometimes be overwhelming to some people.

You are "some people"

Your phone slightly buzzed in your hand as you looked down to see a text from Alec.

Hey A/n

Hey Alec.

Just wanted to check in to make sure you've gotten up already.

Well thanks for checking in, I just got ready and I'm bout to head out the door.

Alright, want to walk to school together?

Your heart skipped a beat at his offer. You guys almost always walk to school together, but your the one to usually ask. You smile at his offer and reply.

Sure, meet at my place ?

Sure, see you soon :)

Alright, right back at you :).

You put your phone back in your pocket, slightly nervous.

You then heard a knock at your door. You stood up and walked outside your bedroom, and closed the door behind you. You walked down the stairs, as he knocked again, now in what seemed like a inpatient tone.

"COMING!" you yell, not realizing that you probably woke up your little sister and mom. After that thought,  you jumped down the stairs, skipping the last 3 stairs. You opened the door, a little out of breath and walked out, Alec standing there, smiling.

"Are you sure you didn't just wake up?" He said sarcastically with a laugh. Yes I'm sure, you laughed in response. Should we head off for school now? It's kinda far walk. You where to impatient to wait for his response, so you grabbed his hand and started walking.

"Someone's excited?" He snickered, trying to embarass me. Oh shut it Alec, you said, slightly embarrassed. You knew he was the only one who knew that you actually liked school, other than your mom.

Somedays you really wish you didn't tell him your secret, not really, just because he teased you for it.  But you knew that your secret would always be safe with him. I mean he's never told anyone's secret. Never.

He is kn-. Your thoughts where cut of by Alec. "Want to stop my Starbucks? My treat." Your eyes lit up in excitement, as he knew that you loved Starbucks. He took your look as a yes and started walking into the Starbucks.

Surprisingly today, the line wasn't too long, only 2 people in front of us. Once it got to our turn to order Alec ordered the usual. A grande honey citrus mint tea, he was never too big on coffee, he always described himself as more of a "tea person".

I ordered a Grande java chip frappuccino, that was always my go to order when I didn't know what to order, or didn't want anything else.

Your total will be 11.32, Alec pulled out his debit card and payed. You both walked out of the store, thanking him for paying. One day you where going to pay him back, you almost had enough "Anything for you" he said sarcastically flirting.

That cought you really off guard.

You coughed surprised, almost spitting out your drink. Alec laughed at your response,  as you hit him playfully signaling for him to zip it. "Alright we should start going , we still have 5 minutes to walk.

You looked at your watch, surprised at this accuracy.  You nodded in agreement, excited for the first day of school! You started to walk, with a slight bounce in your step almost practically skipping with excitement.

Alec followed, not to far behind. He laughed at your slight childishness. He was more kept to himself, but around you he was usually more open, or more himself. You could tell he enjoyed your company.

You pointed your finger as the school approached, you then talked in a old timey voice "thou shall cease the day! Onward thou says, Onward!" That earned a big laugh out of him. Both of you laughed as you walked into the big doors that connected to the school.

Both ready to start your year. You decided to stop by the cafeteria to grab a donut. Usually on the first week of school they had the better food than the months ahead. You grabbed a strawberry donut with multicolored sprinkles and he grabbed a glazed donut.

Both of you sat down at the cafeteria tables, munching on your donuts. As both of you finished you food you sat up and started walking to the first day of school assembly. Both you and Alec hated those but where forced to go to them.

They where mostly for the new kids, or the incoming 9th graders. But everyone had to go, no matter what grade. Both of you finally made your way to the assembly doors, and opened them, ready for the first day of school chaos to start.

{ Water Fountain } °|Alec Benjamin x Reader|°Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant