Chapter 2

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Author's note:
Hey guys! I am very, very sorry that it's been a year ever since I started this book. I've been busy with high school without realizing it and forgot all about this story. Again, I am sorry about that. I will be committed to writing more even if this year is going to be the hardest year of my (school) life. It won't be this story only, but it will be every story other than my most popular. I know a lot of people really liked that book, and I love going back to read the comments but I just don't feel comfortable writing about a lot of sexual stuff anymore. That was a BIG faze, and I do regret writing that but then again, I won't regreat it at all because you guys were happy with that book. but I will write more this year and next year!

When the train stopped at Midoryia's exit, he waited for everyone else to get in and get off before he got up and quickly got off the train. Midoryia looked around and saw his high school from a far distance, and smiled.

"I'll be there in about five to ten minutes," Midoryia thought as he started walking. Midoryia thought random thoughts for the rest of his walk to school.

Midoryia stood outside of the school, smiled, and walked into the school.

While walking and heading to his locker he bumped into a tall male.

"Ow, I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry!! I didn't mean to bump into you!" Midoryia looked up at the male and started to blush.

"It's okay. Are you okay? You said ow." This male had short white and red split hair, with bright grey eyes below his white hair, and bright teal eyes below his red hair. He looked intimidating but also calm.

Midoryia started to blush a bit more as this tall, calm, and handsome stranger just told him that he was fine and walked quickly away to his locker, opened his locker, and banged his head against the open door.

"Who was that?" He thought as he rubbed his hand against his bruised head and got his books for his first class, which was math, closed his locker, and headed for class.

As the day ended, Midoryia walked through the almost empty halls, with a few kids laughing with their friends and enjoying the end of their day. Midoryia went by his locker and went by a few of his favorite classes when he saw that tall stranger again. Midoryia tried his best to stay calm while walking out of the school, trying not to get seen by the stranger. He walked outside and saw people staring at him and Midoryia was confused. he tilted his head and asked, "What's going on?" Midoryia asked.

Some kids were laughing and pointing at him when this girl that Midoryia had never meant before started speaking loudly.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it Midoryia, Izuku? A gay and lonely freak." She started laughing while flipping her long, light pink, and light blonde hair out of her face while just laughing and staring at Midoryia.

"What?" Midoyria could only mutter out of his mouth and just seemed confused.

"What do you mean what?" This girl asked. "Your Father left you when you were younger and he did it because he knew you were turn out gay." This girl said to Midoryia. Midoryia started to get a little upset.

"My Dad left for mine and my Mom's safety, unlike yours," Midoryia said, insulting this girl. She and the crowd around them seemed shocked.

"How dare you! My dad didn't leave! He's living with us! And yeah right! I bet your dad left to go live a normal life with his damn co-worker. He probably left you for a hooker!" She started to walk closer to Midoryia while insulting his Father and just laughing about it like its a joke.

"At least I'm not failing any classes, Cora," MIdoryia said and walked past her while pushing her away from him. He walked out of the circle of teenagers just surprised that Midoryia just walked out of an upcoming fight.

"Hey! Midoryia! How about you fight me?! What? You scared of fighting a girl?!" she started screaming. Midoryia stopped and turned around to look at her.

"How about you stop trying to pick fights just because your Dad is cheating on your dad? I know you are jealous about my dad needing to move to another part of the country but you really shouldn't be picking fights with me. I won't hurt you, but I will make your life a living hell if you try again. So go on. Do you want to insult my parents again?" Midoryia said. After a few seconds and walked out of the school's yard and walked to the bus station and got to his home, and found another note on the kitchen counter.
"Hey, honey. I'm so sorry! I came home for lunch and thought that I would be home in the next few hours after my thirty-minute lunch but when my boss called me, he said that I would have to stay until eight pm. I'm sorry, but I did ask my boss if I can buy you something to eat so you don't get hungry or have to cook anything for you, and my boss said yes, so I quickly bought you your favorite meal from your favorite restaurant. I will see you when I get home, I love you!"

Midoryia sighed and took the food out of the fridge and eat the food while watching his favorite tv show. Midoryia doesn't want to go back to school the next day, because Midoryia knows that Cora would try to fight him without fighting him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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