Chapter 3

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I opened the door, and quietly walked in. Mr.Berns, as I guessed, did not look happy, more like confused. 

"And you are.....?" he asked flatly. "Er, hi Mr.Berns. I'm Jade Black. From New York. I'm new here." Of course, everyone was staring at me.

"Well well, go take your seat behind Autumn." Not knowing who Autumn was, I just stood there like some freak.I mean, there were so many empty seats, I really was clueless where to sit.

Mr. Berns sighed.

"Third row, fourth desk." I nodded and walked to my seat silently.

"Alright, everyone! As I was saying..."

I couldn't hear what he was saying. I couldn't focus, because there were so many things on my mind. Like, why was this school so massive? Where was the next class where I was supposed to have math? Why was everyone still staring at me even though I was just sitting there? But most importantly, who was the boy I met before, Coal? And was I going to meet him anytime soon?

"Hey there."

Whoa, someone seriously startled me. I looked up and noticed a girl with curly red hair and glasses staring at me with a smile.

"Hi", I managed. "I'm Autumn", the girl said. "So I hear you're from New York? That's so cool. I've been there, sure, but its probably much better to live there, right?", she asked.

I nodded.

"Sooo...whats your next lesson?"

"Math", I said, making a face. Math was my worst subject, and no matter how many tutors I had, I still got F's on tests.

"Cool, me too. We can go together. I'm sure you wouldn't mind my navigation skills around the school," she said with a wink.

I nodded and she turned around because Mr.Berns gave Autumn a cross look. 

The bell finally rang and we went to math with Autumn.

"So this is the science wing, its called that because the labs are here and mostly all our math, biology, chemistry and physics classes are here. What was the school like in New York?," she asked. 

"Not this huge, for sure," I said with a laugh.

We walking in a room full of commotion going on. Everybody was taking their seats, pulling out their things, laughing, talking, hugging, some boys were sitting on desks and throwing crumpled papers.

"Is math always like this?" I asked.

"Yep. Mostly because Mrs.Rowell is a fat pig. She always acts strict but no one buys it."

I laughed, being amazed by Autumns use of words.

"All right class, settle down now."

Mrs.Rowell came in, looking messy. Her dark hair was up in a bun, she was wearing a striped shirt and a navy-blue skirt.

"I welcome you all to the new school year. I wish you all good luck, and, good grades in math, of course!"

Apparently she thought it was funny, but I didn't see anyone laughing.

Suddenly, the door opened. In walked in the gorgeous Coal.

"You're late!", said Mrs.Rowell, acting angry.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but...out there... someone just fainted."

With that, Mrs.Rowell's eyes turned huge and she said, "Someone, quick, we have to call the ambulance!".

Everyone rushed out to see what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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