Chapter One | She's just right..

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Pov: Cupid

I woke up this morning with the worst headache. I sat up, feeling like something had stabbed me in the brain. I whimpered a little, I was trying so hard to be quiet so I wouldn't wake my roomie and best friend, Blondie Lockes.

On my radio show, I announced that I would start setting boxes in different places in the school so that people could anonymously put love letters to their crushes in it. Let's just say that was probably not my greatest idea.

Sure, people loved it! And I was glad that I could help so many people, but.. There were far too many letters for me to handle!

I stay up all night nearly every night, and when I DO sleep, I normally only get around an hour or two of rest before having to go to school. Its awful, I really just need to take some time to myself, but I refuse to let people down.

As I got up, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head. Yippee. It's one of those headaches.

I walked to my dresser, grabbed my clothes, and changed into my outfit for the day. Once I was done, I walked back into the bedroom part of our dorm room. I grabbed my bag, but just as I was about to head out of the door, I looked at Blondie.

Something about the way she looked.. She was so peaceful. Oh Blondie.. Sweet, perfect, stunning Blondie.. What the hex am I thinking!

I mentally scolded myself. Before I went out the door, I walked over to Blondie, who was still sound asleep in her bed. I couldn't help but stare. She was stunning even in her sleep.

The longer I stared, the hotter my face got, the more my pulse increased in speed. Cupid stop it! No! I mentally scolded myself again.

I didn't want to leave at that point. I was having the worst headache, I didn't want to leave Blondie, and besides. I don't think it'll matter if I take ONE sick day to myself.

I quickly put my bag down and went to the bathroom to change back into my comfy pajamas. I brushed my hair out of the style I had put it up in.

I walked back to my bed, but I broke out into a coughing fit before even laying down. My throat started hurting really bad when I was done coughing, so I grabbed a tissue and spit into it. It was bloody and- just gross.

I threw the tissue in the trash and then went back to bed.

Pov: Blondie

I had contemplated getting up for a hot minute. I finally decided that it was time that I did, because if I didn't, I was going to be late.

I heard Cupid coughing earlier, that's what originally woke me up.

I dragged myself out of bed, but was immediately surprised when I saw Cupid curled up under her covers, shivering..

She never skips school.. She must be feeling awful! I quietly walked up to Cupid's bed and sat down on the edge. She was sweating buckets, but she was shivering as if she was freezing cold.

I put my hand on her forehead. She was burning up! I gently shake her awake. "Mmmh, what- oh. Hey Blondie.. What are you doing.." She asked groggily. "Cupid, you're burning up! Are you feeling alright..?" I asked calmly.

Cupid shook her head. "Yeah, I'm fine..why?" She said as she sat up slowly, bringing her knees to her chest. "Cupid. I have eyes, you are NOT just right!" I say as I pull her blanket off of her. "No stop! It's cold.." She said as she pulled the blanket back on top of her small body.

I pulled the blanket off of her again. "Just.. Keep it off until I find some medicine for cold-sweats. I understand that it is cold, I can make you some hot tea if that would make you feel a bit better?" I asked her kindly, trying my hardest to cheer her up.

She pouted a bit, but nodded her head. Cute.. I thought. No no no Blondie! Stop it! I walked over to my desk and grabbed a small box of tea bags from the left drawer. "Do you want lavender chamomile or honey vanilla chamomile tea?" I asked my *very* sick roommate.

She thought for a moment. "Lavender sounds really good right now.. I heard that it's supposed to relax your brain and help you sleep.." She said the last part under her breath. I smiled at her and nodded.

I made her tea and handed it to her before I walked out of the dorm. Before I left, Cupid grabbed my hand and pulled me back away from the door. I was confused, until she turned me around and wrapped her arms around me.

I felt my face heat up at the sudden contact. I smiled and hugged her back. My heart rate sped up, and I was so scared that she would notice.. She smells like strawberry shortcake.. NO! Snap out of it Blondie, she is your Best Friend Forever After! Stop thinking like this!! As I was arguing with myself, Cupid spoke.

"Thank you for this, Blonds.. I really appreciate it." Cupid said as she hugged me a bit tighter.

I was so happy, and without thinking, rested my head in the crook of her neck. She didn't have any objections, she didn't move, she didn't say a word. But she did rest her head on top of mine. Ohmygrimm ohmygrimm OHMYGRIMM. SHE'S SO CU- Stop it brain!!

"Anytime Cupid.." I said as we continued to stand there, silently snuggling closer to each other slowly.

"Honestly.. Just standing here like this, is actually helping a lot.." Cupid said, still holding me close to her. As if my face couldn't get any more red, it did. I probably looked like a tomato at that point.

I nodded.

After a few more minutes, we broke apart. I grabbed Cupid's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. We both let go and I decided to stay in the dorm, much to Cupid's demise, and take care of her.

She was a little stubborn towards the idea, but eventually she just gave up and layed down in her bed.

I was about to go lay down in mine, went Cupid spoke up. "Hey, uhm.. Could you come lay with me, Blonds? I don't wanna be alone." She said softly.

I turned around and smiled. I nodded my had slightly and layed down in Cupid's bed with her. To my surprise, she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled suuuuuper close to me.

"Night Blonds." She said quietly. I was about to close my eyes and go to sleep, went Cupid did something so unexpected. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed a deeper shade of red than anyone had ever seen before.

Wow.. That was.. Wow. I didn't even bother arguing with myself this time, because I knew that at this point, this wasn't going to stop. And honestly, I didn't mind it. I didn't mind it one bit. Why? Because in my eyes, Cupid is just right..

𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 || Clondie/BlondpidWhere stories live. Discover now