Chapter two | Even Worse

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Pov: Blondie

I brought Cupid her tea about an hour ago. She kept trying to get me to go to my classes, but I insisted on staying with her. I need to make sure that she is okay, and I'm not leaving her side until she's all better.

"Come on Blondie, you really don't have to stay! I'll be okay, I don't want you to fail!" Cupid said. It's adorable how much she cares..

"Nope! Not leaving your side until you are no longer running a fever!" I said, jokingly pushing her shoulder softly. We were sitting on her bed together.

"Okay, fine, but don't blame me when you fail Crownculus!" Cupid choked out as she laughed.

My face heated up. She's.. Perfect. Just right..

Eventually, Cupid decided to take a nap, so I got changed and walked to Bookend to get her a "Get Well Soon!" present.

Searching the back of my mind to try and remember what Cupid's favorite things were, I finally remembered!

Her favorite candy is strawberry flavoured heart-shaped lollipops, her favorite color is pink, her favorite song is "Girls" by MARINA, and her favorite animals are Red Pandas, and Arctic Bunnies.

I decided to go to the plush store to look for a bunny plus his for her, and when I finally found one, I bought it and went to the candy store.

I got her a twenty pack of her favorite lollipops, and a small pack of caramel filled chocolates.

I put it all in a bag, and went back to our dorm. When I got there, I opened the door and walked in, but what I saw nearly made me break down.

Cupid was passed out on the floor, with about fifty or more bloody tissues, and she was bleeding from her mouth. I dropped the bag I was carrying, and immediately ran to her side.

"Cupid.. Cupid!?!" I yelled. I would be surprised if the entire campus hadn't heard me screaming. I saw her eyes flutter open slowly.

She was struggling to keep them open. "Blon.. *cough* Blondie.. I'm okay.. R.. Really." She said as she tried to laugh, but couldn't. I could hardly make out what she was saying, but I understood.

"No you are not, Cupid. I'm calling 911. I can't let you stay here in this condition withought any professional help! Please.. Let me help you. I care too much to see you like this, Cupid." I said softly, tears forming in my eyes.

I saw Cupid's face turn a light shade of pink, as she smiled genuinely. "Okay.." She wispered. I was about to help her up, but she started coughing blood again. Large amounts of it, too. At this point it wasn't just coughing, she was vomiting blood. I held her hair back for her, and rubbed her back soothingly.

She sat up when she was done, but immediately fell to the floor. I panicked. She wasn't getting up, and she wasn't moving. But.. She wasn't breathing either.

I immediately called 911. They said that they would be on their way, but I needed to help Cupid. Without breathing for this long, she could die. I felt her pulse, and it's was weakening.

I took a deep breath and out on my brave face, and began doing CPR on her. I didn't want to have to do mouth-to-mouth, because what if she woke up and thought I was kissing her!? What if she wouldn't want to be my friend again!?

I continued doing CPR, but she still wasn't breathing. So, I faced my ridiculous fears, and preformed mouth-to-mouth. After a few minutes of me doing CPR, she coughed out some more blood, and started breathing again.

"Cupid?!" I yelled. She started crying, barely able to keep her eyes open. "It.. It hur..ts.." She managed to choke out. Tears were pouring down my face at this point.

"Shh.. Shhhh... It's going to be okay. Help is on the way, just bear with me, alright?" I whispered to her, laying her head to rest in my lap as we waited for help to come. I stroked her soft pink hair, and we just sat there in silence.

After a while, the ambulance finally came, and they brought a stretcher to our dorm and carried Cupid away. "Wait! Can I.. Go with her..?" I asked quietly. The paramedics nodded, and led me to the ambulance.

As I got I to the ambulance, I saw Cupid on the stretcher. She looked absolutely miserable. I felt awful..

I looked away, unable to look at her in this state. Suddenly, I felt a soft pressure on my hand. I looked over, and saw Cupid's hand intertwined with mine. "Blondie.. I'm.. Sc...ared." She whispered sadly. I nodded my head. "I know.. Everything is going to be alright though! I promise.." I said.

Cupid started silently crying, and I didn't know how else to react.. So I took a risky move. I slowly brought Cupid's hand up to my pale lips, and kissed it softly. She stopped crying for a moment, and her face turned red. She smiled slightly, and layed her head back down on the stretcher.

You're going to be okay Cupid, you have to be.. You have to be okay, because.. Because I love you..

𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 || Clondie/BlondpidWhere stories live. Discover now