"Kid Friendly"

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You're just a regular guy exploring the library. You aren't sure what to read for today... Psychology, Thriller, or Romance... "Do her boobs look weird?" The voice comes from behind you. You turn and see a pretty brunette with an even prettier grin- Wait, she asked you a question. You look down at the picture shown in the book of a nude lady. Her tits do look weird. "Huh, yeah." you respond in a chuckle.

Her friendly stare turns malicious as you turn back to look for the book you want. She looks over your shoulder and points one out "The Divine comedy is pretty creepy." "What is it about?" you turn back at her. "Two people going through hell together." The brunette stares at you intensely and you begin to feel strange.

"I'm Love Quinn." she raises her hand up for a shake. "Y/N." You shake her hand and for some odd reason, she seems like such a warm person to be with.

You offer to buy her lunch and she accepts. The both of you get along so well and you have so much in common. It's as if she knew you all your life... You're infatuated and absolutely in love with this woman called Love herself. It's meant to be.

You take another sip of your coffee while laughing about how they put the adult romance novels near the kids area. Mid conversation, you begin to feel dizzy... Is she grinning?

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