Chapter Ten

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"How come you didn't ask Banning, or Scott?"

Vanessa rolled her eyes hearing the smugness in his tone as she stood up from the couch. She'd been waiting in the living room for Alexander to finish getting dressed.

"You weren't my first choice," she retorted, effectively knocking him down a notch and wiping that satisfied grin off his face. "Scott has another event he needs to attend, and Royce was personally invited."

"Oh," he replied. "So, I was your third choice, then?"

"Fourth," she replied with a taunting grin. "I asked Lyn as well, but she's busy tonight."

Alexander pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes at his wife in an accusatory fashion, taking note of the smug side smirk she wore. "I feel as though you enjoy knocking me down."

"Consider it payback for the last four years." Vanessa ran her hands over her jeans and top to straighten out any wrinkles unaware that Alexander was shamelessly checking her out.

He had no idea how she did it. Once again, he compared both sisters in mind. Daphne always wore brand name clothing and was first in line for the latest edition in designer brands. Whenever they went out, she needed to ensure that all eyes were on her so she would choose the most expensive outfit.

Vanessa didn't care about designer brands. And she dressed fashionably yet, casual, in her signature jeans, vest, and pumps. If a stranger passed by her on the street, they would never know she was married to a wealthy man, let alone, one of the most powerful men in the city. Albeit, the marriage wasn't traditional, consensual, or even a happy one.

"Ready to go?"

When she didn't hear a response from him, she turned to find him staring with a frown. The only thing off about his stare was that it was not on her face.

"What're you looking at?"

He waved his hand, moving his finger in a circular motion. "Don't you have a better top? I feel like your breasts are too exposed."

Vanessa looked down at her own outfit, finding nothing wrong with it. The same way she was dressed for Jonathan's house warming party matched the way she usually dressed to go out and she was decently covered. Never once before had he made such a comment.

She looked back at him, and smirked. "I'll wear a better top when you wear a looser shirt. Those nipples might poke someone's eye out."

Alexander gasped. "You vile woman. How dare you?"

He sent her a playful glare while adjusting his shirt, grinning when she laughed at his playful attitude.

Since their return from the charity event days ago, the tension between them was almost non-existent. They had a comfortable relationship where they would speak and sometimes for close to an hour or two without something coming up that they would argue over. They had also developed the habit of taking playful jabs at the other. They had spoken more in those past few days than in the entirety of the four years they had known each other. They talked throughout breakfast every morning, and for the first time since they'd been married, Alexander came home for dinner. They would speak then and continue to speak until one of them could no longer stay awake.

It was a needed and welcomed change. Vanessa no longer hid out in her room while at home, and Alexander did not go to great lengths to avoid running into her. In fact, he deliberately ran into her at home if only to toss a few playful jabs her way.

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