Ch-2 (MayMaegens)

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"I'll be on my best behavior,Joyce. You fooled her  once,you can't fool me.Obsolete, disgusting, human."


May was the youngest sister of Joyce.
She was later killed after founding out Joyce secret. It was prove that Joy killed May.

When May passed away. Maxinum built a game named "Rest easy."

In the game, there's a grave which was May's grave. Then it got updated later, and there was a ghost figure looking man. If you click him, he'll say something. I don't really remember what he said.

Later on, the game was taken down with unknown reason by Maxinum.

May came back as a ghost, and tend to get revenge on Joy. May sounded like she was controlled.

May knows how to play piano, and play with dolls.

She seem like a cheerful girl.

She died at the age of eight.

Her display name is REDACTED.

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