secondary school AU

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A/N this is going to be set in a British secondary school instead of American high school despite NCIS being an American show because I don't know much about the American school system apart from there grades are lower than years e.g grade 8= year 9.

Ellie Bishop was a fairly normal teenage girl. She didn't wear an unnecessary amount of makeup and instead of going drinking on the weekend she studied for upcoming tests instead. Many would consider her a nerd because she cared about her grades which she thought everyone did so never understood why everyone were complete wankers towards her.

Nick Torres wasn't normal, he never studied yet always did well and did drink on weekends but not at a sesh he would drink in his room or on his roof with a few friends smoking. He knew why he wasn't liked, it was because he was different to everyone else in year 11. Nick listens to 80s rock specifically: Queen; Bon Jovi; Guns and Roses; Nirvana and AC/DC. He runs away from home frequently and wears eyeliner. Not a normal teenager.

Normally these two people would never interact but they both do drama for GCSE's and are in the same group for most the work they have to do. Drama was once a week a double lesson on Tuesday after break and before lunch. Today was not a drama lesson but they did have rehearsals for the schools production of Frozen. Ellie was playing Elsa and Nick was on the tech team because no matter how good he is he doesn't like performing in front of loads of people. It also meant he got to sort music and backing tracks.

Nick was at the back of the hall watching Ellie rehearse the scene where she unfreezes Anna. Anna was played by some year 10 girl called Jessie and Prince Hans played by one of the year 12's, Tim McGee. Nick had no idea why Tim was even performing in it, he's alright at acting but he's a computer genius who's always on the tech team. He wasn't thinking about this now though he was watching Ellie. It wasn't dress rehearsal but main characters were there all day so were told they could wear what they want. Ellie wore a black ripped jeans and a plain black t-shirt. People around school didn't think much of her but Nick thought she was the most beautiful girl ever.

While he was watching, more like staring, the girl in one of the younger years who plays Elsa as a child walked to the back of the hall were Nick was. "She's really pretty isn't she?" she whispered. "Who is?" Nick asked even though he knew exactly who she was talking about. "Ellie," the girl whispered back. "Yeah I guess so," he muttered in response. "If you only guess so then why have you been staring at her for ages?" He hated how smart the kid was. He spoke to her before and she was talking about space and time stuff, she was a genius for her age and apparently not just in physics stuff in life stuff too. "I have not, I've been watching the- " he started thinking of an excuse before being interrupted. "You have definitely been watching her. Are you going to ask her out or even talk to her?" the young girl asked. "That is none of your business and I have talked to her by  the way," Nick retorts slightly aggressively. He became distracted by talking to the kid he hadn't noticed Ellie walking towards him. 

"Hi Georgia what you doing here your supposed to be in your lessons now?" Ellie asked with concern. "I didn't want to go because of the people I told you about they're in my lesson so I came up here and talked to Nick." She said really fast almost stumbling on her words. Now Nick felt bad because she already knew his name and he never bothered to ask hers. "But it's lunch now so it doesn't matter I don't have a lesson now." she continued. Ellie sighed, "You need to go to lessons there important why don't you tell a teacher and try be moved away from them." Nick hadn't heard most of what she said because he was stunned by how kind she was, how could anybody not want to be friends with her he thought to himself falling even deeper in love with her. He also didn't realise Georgia whisper something in Ellie's ear. "Nick are you coming to get food?" Ellie asked with a smile spread across her face and a hint of red in her cheeks that wasn't there before. "Sure." he said.

The two walked out of school even though they weren't supposed to anymore to get lunch. The school wouldn't even realise they were gone because they were only going to the chippy and had an hour. It was only at the start of the academic year when year 10/11's stopped being allowed off school premises for lunch. The silence began to get awkward so someone had to start a conversation. "So are you like related to that Georgia kid or something?" Nick asked trying to talk to her but outside f drama he couldn't think of anything to say. "No I only met her at the auditions and she reminded me of a younger me and the year 7's aren't the nicest to her because of it so she talks to me when things are bad or if she just needs someone," Ellie said smiling. "Wow that's really nice of you. If you don't mind me asking if your so nice why don't many people you know like you? I'm sorry did that come off rude I didn't mean it to it's just I noticed that people in the corridors will say something to be mean to you or just shove you around and I would try to stop them but they hate me so if they think were friends they might be worse for you and are we even friends I don't know but if they thought we were they would definitely get worse and I don't want that to happen so I just sorta stand there and I know it's wrong and I probably should try to stand up for you if you don't so I don't know-" he was cut off mid ramble. "I'm sorry for rambling." he said then put his head down and went back to not be able to look at her.

They entered the chippy and ordered there food. Ellie gave him 50 pence to go to the corner shop and get her a sports drink and said that if his food is done before he's out the shop she'll bring it to him. He got her the blue on because he sees her go to school with one everyday. His fish and chips did come before he was out the shop closely followed by Ellie's so she brought their food to him and they ate it sat on a wall. "Wow who would have thought the geek and the freak would be sat having lunch together, you guys best friends or something now." Tony Dinozzo Jr teased. "Fuck off Tony" Nick muttered. "You want something freak?" he asked offended. "Yea can you fuck off if your going to be like this just because you use your dad's money to do well in school even though you never see him because he's to busy shagging everyone but your mam and stealing money from their nanas doesn't mean you have to be a prick to everyone." Nick shouldn't have said that.

Tony punched him in the face even while he was bleeding and unconscious. "Stop it please he didn't mean it!" Ellie yelled repeatedly but no matter how much she shouted and tried pulling Tony away he wouldn't stop hitting Nick. She started punching him but he was much bigger so it didn't do much to him. He stopped to turn around to see who was hitting him and would have hit her back if she wasn't a girl. Then he left. 

"Nick wake up," Ellie said shaking him. the longer he stayed unconscious the more violently she shook him and louder she shouted for him to wake up. She began crying when he wouldn't wake up for ages. When he finally did they had 10 minutes to get back to school and Nick was close to blacking out. Ellie managed to support his weight on her shoulders and helped him into school sooner than they had to be. She walked him back into the hall and quickly found tissues and ice packs. She put the ice pack wrapped in some of the tissue on the back of his head where he hit it falling. With the rest of the tissue she tried to stop the bleeding coming from his forehead and nose.

A/N i'm going to leave this here cos its sorta long already but comment if you want more and i will turn it into a short story which i will update more than i update this.


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