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'It started off with a kiss how did it end up like this' never was there more fitting lyrics to Nick's feelings or a song that described the situation he was in better. About one week ago he and Ellie had been undercover as Charlie and Luis. She kissed him and now he was distracted constantly by the thought of her soft lips brushing up against his and the taste of her cherry chapstick. He was truly intoxicated by her but she was in love with somebody else. This other man didn't care for Ellie nearly as much as she cared for him. His 6'4'' slender frame towered over like a tower made of pipe cleaners and when they hugged they didn't fit together like Ellie and Nick do. But he was smart and kind and understood when she's busy at work and how important her job is because he's FBI. 

Nick wished he hadn't came to the inter-agency christmas party because whenever he saw Ellie with this other man he would have this overwhelming feeling of rage towards the other man and the strong urge to go to him and start a scene because he wanted to be the one dancing with Ellie but he isn't. He walked past them to get himself another drink and overheard there quiet conversation about DC and the MCU. "No Jordan you're wrong avengers are one million percent better than justice league," Ellie said laughing. God her laugh it could light up the world on it's darkest of days and no matter what she could find a reason to laugh and smile and in Nick's mind it made her even more beautiful than she already was but it did for Jordan too. "Avengers are knock off justice league and you know it El" Jordan replied. That's what Nick calls her. He didn't hear much more of it, he instead of getting another drink went to the restroom. 

The anger, hatred towards Jordan increased and Nick's blood boiled. He should be dancing with her tonight not in a restroom staring at the mirror and hating what looked back at him more than anything. Then the mirror was shattered and there was blood coming out from Nick's knuckles with tiny shards of glass but he still kept punching the mirror and the wall until there was glass embedded in his skin and blood dripping onto the floor around him. He slid down onto the floor and cried at how stupid he was. He could be with the love of his life but he was too afraid to tell her. Who is so scared of rejection that even when the thought of her with somebody else causes physical pain still can't just tell her.

He could hear someone coming so stood up and made his way out passing the person he didn't want to see ever in his life walking towards the toilet stall. Greeted outside the restroom by someone he wanted to spend forever with. "Nick what's wrong with your hand you're bleeding?" She asked. "El i'm fine... you're not. Why are you crying?" He questioned instantly worried at what's went wrong the short time he was away. "Jordan's made we were talking about if avengers or justice league it turned personal somehow I don't know but we had an argument and now he's not talking to me it's why he went in there."  Ellie replied crying a bit more. "Talk to me it'll be fine I can help," Nick said trying his hardest to be there for ehr while his mind was filling with happiness at the thought that Ellie and Jordan may or may not break up. "You can't help this time." she said walking away.


The next day Nick's hand was bandaged up and the glass removed and Ellie was trying to cover a bruise on her cheek with makeup. For the first time since they met they weren't talking to each other. It was weird. "What's up with you two?" McGee asked when they're silence became too off putting. "Nothing" they answered aggressively in unison. His face became even more confused and he raised an eyebrow. "What did you mean i can't help this time? Why? Have i done something to have you not want to be friends with me or something?" He asked. With that McGee decided to leave them to talk or shout it out. "No Nick it's not like that you just can't fix everything OKAY!"

"I don't try to fix everything, you were upset and i was trying to help why are you so mad at me!"

"Because it's your fault!"

"What," Nick was stunned at what he just heard. How could Ellie and Jordan's argument be his fault.

"Me and Jordan wouldn't be fighting if it wasn't for you constantly being overprotective and around constantly and making me feel better when i'm down when he can't"

"Some being there for you is pissing him off, can you not see how toxic he is you shouldn't be with someone like that."

"Who are you to say who i should or shouldn't be with"

"I'm- i- you deserve better that's all alright is that good with you"

"Why do you care so much Nick, I love hime Nick and a good friend would be happy that i do"

"I care because last time i saw you you were crying because of him and didn't have that bruise on your face El!" He shouted then continued quieter. "Did he do that to you?"

Ellie didn't say anything she just stood there silent blinking back new tears at the memory of after the christmas party. "It's not your fault if he did and if he did then you know you should get away from him" Nick said.

"The amount of times you've tried to make us break up anyone would think your jealous." Ellie said deflecting the question.

"But Jordan isn't obviously jealous whenever i'm near you. El if he does anything to you again call me or text me please im here for you,"

"I never said,"

"You didn't have to. Why's the real reason he never wants me around you?"

"He knows i kissed you when we were UC and i said it didn't mean anything that it was only a kiss and we had to to avoid breaking cover but he doesn't believe me"

"I'm sorry El" he said knowing that what was a great moment for him and made him so incredibly happy was the reason her life was so miserable. 

It was only a kiss.

A/n this could have been better if i actually came up with an idea and planned out what would happen instead of listening to mr brightside and start typing but i think its alright. pls vote and comment.

-Ash xx

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