Part 1: Leaving home

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Max smiled as he finished packing up the last of his things. "Finally," he says, picking up his suitcase and walking to the door. He turns around, taking one last look at the blue, sailboat patterned wallpaper.

It was a good place, the little town of eastbunny hop. He had lived there all his life with his sister ruby, and it was a fine place to live. But now that he was a teenager, Max was moving out and heading to the big city of New York, to make his way in the world, or whatever. He just desperately wanted to leave.

"Max! Your bus is almost here!" ruby called. Max smiled. Just in time. He walks out into the hallway and down the stairs, where ruby was waiting for him. "Have you got all your stuff?" she asks. Max nods. "All my clothes, stuff for school, everything!" ruby smiled. "Good." she sniffled a bit. "Oh, my little brother, all grown up and moving to the big city..." she hugs him gently. Max rolls his eyes. "Rubyyyyy, don't get all mushy on me." ruby laughs. "I can't help it!" she nuzzles his head. "I'll be glad to get rid of ya, ya little nuisance!" Max giggled, hugging her back. "And I'll be glad to be free of your nagging!"

The two good-naturedly laughed. Ruby pets his head. "But really, I am gonna miss you.." Max smiled gently. "Right back at ya sis..."

The sound of a bus pulled up outside. Ruby looks to the door, then back to max. "Well, I guess it's time." Max smiled gently as he walked out. The two spot Louise and Morris waiting for them, walking over to say goodbye.

"Well, I guess this is it..." Max says. He looks at Louise. "You'll come back and visit us, right?" she asks. "Of course!" Max replies, hugging her. She smiles gently and hugs back. He then turns to Morris, hugging him as well. "Thanks for being an awesome buddy all these years..." Morris smiles. "Same to you."

Finally, he turns to ruby, who puts her hand on his shoulder. "Stay out of trouble, ok?" she says. Max laughs. "Really??" ruby giggles. "Who am I kidding, I know you'll get up to all sorts of hijinks." she says, hugging him a final time.

Max steps onto the bus with his bag, then turns to them and smiles, misty eyed. "I'm sure gonna miss you guys.." he says, wiping his eyes. "We'll miss you too..." ruby says, wiping her tears as well.

The bus door closes and Max immediately runs to the back seats to look at them through the window. He waves goodbye to the three of them until the bus drives out of sight.

Once he was truly on his way, Max smiled, sitting and thinking about where he was headed.

New York city. The big apple, the city that never sleeps, the capital of the world.

The city of dreams.

The bus ride from the town to the city was very long, and Max slept through most of the way there, dreaming about his new life. It was gonna be so much fun running through the city streets, seeing all the sights, going to school, and in general just living that city life.

He wakes up just in time to see them drive into the city. He looks up at all the tall buildings. "Woah..." he says. They were so much taller than he'd imagined. The buildings were so big and the sky was so cloudy... he smiled.

This was his home now.

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