Part: the last 5 years (end)

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Max was walking down the city street beside Sam, reminiscing on how much his life had changed after that party 5 years ago.

After they started dating in high school, they continued working on small cases for the commissioner, getting more experience in the world of detectiving.

After they graduated high school, Sam went to college while Max tagged along, not really for school but just because the two couldn't bear being separated. It was a lot of fun for them, and they worked on both small and slightly larger cases for the commissioner.

And of course they went on hundreds of dates together, each one unique from the others before it. They could turn anything into a date, shopping, mini golfing, blowing up an old baby pool and relaxing in it, dental surgery, retiling a roof, playing dungeons and dragons, anything could be fun and romantic as long as they were together.

Immediately after Sam graduated college, they got a bigger and better studio apartment in a red brick building and officially moved in together, their new office being right next door.

Back to the present.

Max smiled, letting out a happy sigh. "Something on your mind little buddy?" Sam asks, taking a lick of his popsicle. Max shrugs. "Just thinking about the past." Sam smiled. "I see."

Sam started to sing an old showtune.

"New York, new York, it's a helluva town, the Bronx is up and the bowery's down..."

Max happily listened as he thought about when he'd first moved here. Imagine if he'd never mixed up those boxes...

Max silently thanked whatever higher power that had allowed him and Sam's paths to cross as he gently slipped his small hand into Sam's. 

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