Part 2: The calling

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The bus pulled up at one of the many many stations and Max got off his seat, his legs a bit shaky from standing up. After he got his suitcase and got off the bus, he started walking. He didn't know exactly where, but he kept walking down the street.

Suddenly, something caught his eye.

He spotted a flier, saying "wanna beat up bad guys?"

Max stopped, walking over to the flier and taking it . "If you are between 14-20, Ask about the freelance cadets program at your local police station. Join up, and fight for justice!"

A wide grin spread across Max's face.

About 3 seconds later, the door to the police station opened and the bunny stood in the doorway, breathlessly panting and holding the flier.

He walks up to the receptionist desk. The receptionist looks up. "Uh, can I help you, young man...?" they ask. Max places the flier on the desk. "I'm here about the freelance cadets program...?" the receptionist nods. "Ah, I see. Well, in that case, you'll need to talk to our commissioner." they pick up a phone. "Have a seat, and I'll ask him if he's busy." They point to the waiting area.

Max picks the flier back up, putting it away, goes and takes a seat while the receptionist talks on the phone. He listens in on the conversation.

"Hello sir?... Yeah, I have another recruit for the freelance program. Are you busy at the moment?.... Oh, awesome! I'll send him your way." they put the phone down and look at max. "Great news, the commissioner can see you right away!" Max smiles. "Awesome! Where can I find him?" the receptionist points down the hall. "Big door, end of the hall says 'commissioner's office'." Max hops up. "Great! Thanks!"

Max plods down the hall past dozens of other doors until he finally reaches the commissioners office. He takes a deep breath, slowly opening the door. "M-Mr commissioner..?"

The commissioner was a tall man wearing a brown suit and a yellow tie. He looks up from his desk, smiling at max. "Ah, you must be the new recruit." Max nods. "That's me!" The commissioner gets a few papers. "Okay, before you join the program, I need some information." Max nods. "Sure."

Over the next 10 minutes or so, the commissioner asked max many questions. His name, his age, if he was good with weapons, how were his self defense skills, etc etc. once the form was all filled out, the commissioner gave him a smile. "Alright max, congratulations, you're officially signed up. Welcome to the freelance cadets!"

Max almost jumped out of his chair in excitement. "YAY!" He then looked back at the commissioner. "So, when do I get to beat up bad guys?" the commissioner laughed. "Well, see, you'll have to move up a few levels before you go out on your own." Max frowns and crosses his arms. "Aww man..." the commissioner smiles. "Buuut, there are still lots of things you can do to help out around this place." max's ears shift. "Really?" the commissioner nods. "Definitely." Max's smile returns.

The commissioner pulls out a list from the stack of papers on his desk. "For your first official task, I want you to go to the post office on 5th street and pick up the box labeled 'paper.' it's a package for one of our PIs." he looks to max. "Think you can handle it?" Max smiled. "Can do!" He salutes and walks out the door. He sighed once outside.

Sure, maybe it wasn't the beating up bad guys he'd been hoping for, but he was still excited to be working for an official police office.

He'd get there one day. 

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