She Really Just Did That.

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Chat Noir looked at her with wide eyes. He couldn't believe his ears. Did she really just reveal her identity?

"M'lady! You-you didn't have to do that! I mean I... I'm glad you did but..." He let go of her hand and ran his fingers through his hair. "Wow!"

At first Ladybug wasn't sure how to take his reaction, until he looked back at her.

His arms outstretched to either side of her as if he was presenting a priceless treasure.

"Of course it's you! You are so incredible!" He exclaimed. "Creative! Talented! Kind! Brave! It had to be you!"

Ladybug let out the breath she hadn't realize she was holding. Her partner was far from disappointed and the praise he was giving her made her blush beneath the mask. "You really think that much of me? Of Marinette?"

"I do! You are one of the most amazing people I know!" He narrowed his eyes at her, but the smile on his face remained. "You also tricked me with the whole Multimouse thing."

"Well, I knew you could have suspected that I was Ladybug and I didn't want to risk it. There was the rule—"

"Which you just broke." He added, beaming at her.

She sat up with pride. "I did, didn't I?"

"For the record, I did suspect you."


"Yep." He looked back out at the Paris skyline and took in a deep breath. When he turned back towards her, his eyes glistened with tears. "You really trust me!"

Ladybug rushed closer to him and embraced him in a hug. "Oh Chaton, I do. With my life. I'm sorry I ever made you doubt it."

Had he not been transformed Chat Noir was certain the force of her hug would have been his end. It was if she was squeezing any doubt out of him. He hugged her back just as tightly.

There were a lot of tears.

Tears of happiness and hope that their partnership could be restored and stronger than ever.

When they finally released each other they were both wiping at their eyes.

"Good grief! We are a mess!" Ladybug chuckled as she tried to compose herself.

Chat's laugh rang out over the rooftops. "A mess, sure. But I haven't felt this good in a long time."

Ladybug straightened her hair that had been disheveled during their embrace. Which brought Chat's attention to her earrings. He looked down at his ring.

"You've told me who you are."

"And look at us! Giggling messes!" She continued laughing then paused, realizing what he was implying. "Oh."

"Yeah, there happens to be another secret identity on this rooftop." Surprisingly, he seemed a little apprehensive.

They were buzzing from just one reveal. Both were elated, but it was a lot to take in. "Kitty..."


"I'd understand if you don't want to tell me." She admitted. "I mean, I was the one so hung up about the rule."

His hands quickly shot out in front of him defensively. "It's not that I don't want to tell you!"

"Oh?" She paused. "Wait. I get it. Revealing my identity is a pretty big deal for both of us. I feel like I need to sleep on it. Then when I wake up tomorrow I might need to make sure this all wasn't a dream."

"If this is a dream it's a good one! But yeah, a little time to process before I tell you might be good."

"And I had already told someone. It's a lot to finally reveal a secret you've been keeping for so long." She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "When you're ready, I'm here."

"Thank you."

"I'm not sure how Tikki is going to take this." Marinette winced remembering her kwami.

"You don't have to face her alone you know."

"Oh! Chat Noir!" She placed her arm dramatically across her forehead. "Will you rescue this poor damsel from the wrath of her kwami!?"

He laughed at her antics, "Please, you're far from a poor damsel."

"Really though, let's go back to my balcony. It's too open here for me to detransform."

Chat Noir jumped up and bounced excitedly on the pads of his feet. Ladybug couldn't help but find it adorable.

"I get to go to your house! I mean, I've been there before, but I didn't know it was Ladybug's house! When I'm visiting Marinette on the balcony, I'm also visiting my partner. This is amazing!"

"Come on, silly Kitty!" Ladybug stood and threw her yoyo and started to swing towards home.

"Spots off." Ladybug said upon landing on the balcony. When the pink magic faded Marinette stood in her place.

"I know you already told me, but the confirmation is still so cool!" Chat's tail whipped excitedly behind him.

"Oh boy." Tikki looked between them.

"Well, um Tikki you see what happened was..."

Tikki rushed to her holder and nuzzled her cheek. "What happened was no accident. What happened was that you decided your partnership was more important than any rule."

"But what about that rule? I broke it!"

"That rule is important at first. How you reveal yourself is important." Tikki explained. "But I see no sign of Bunnix. I don't think you have anything to fear. Your intuition is a part of what makes you a great Ladybug. Tonight, that led you to trust your partner."

"Oh Tikki!" Marinette embraced her the best she could considering their difference in size.

"I think she was right to trust you." The kwami floated around them both. "You two need to be able to communicate. The identity rule is there in case partnerships do not work out and another holder or holders need to be chosen. You both became closer, until the responsibilities and the rule itself pushed you apart. It is clear to me that you are the right duo for the job. You are both the best holders either Plagg or I have ever had. It was only a matter of time before these secrets came to light."

Marinette and Chat both felt themselves blush at the praise.

"Thanks, Tikki." They both said at the same time.

Chat Noir looked at the sky. The sun had completely set by now. "I'd better get home." He jumped up on her balcony railing.

"Okay, see you soon Chat Noir!"

Cat eyes turned back to her with a mischievous glint in them. "I'll see you in the morning."

"The morning?"

"At school, Princess."

With that, he had the nerve to extend his baton and jump away.

"He actually goes to my school?!"

"You suspected this before didn't you?" Tikki giggled at her holder.

"Yes! But Tikki! Chat. Noir. Goes to my school!" Marinette pulled on her pigtails. "He knows me!Outside of the mask! At any second I could be talking to Chat Noir and not know it!"

Tikki laughed harder at that. "Are you sure you're going to be able to handle not knowing? Now that he knows who you are?"

"I don't know Tikki!" Marinette crawled down from her skylight and plopped into bed.

Tikki wondered if her holder had fallen asleep. The room had been silent for a while until...

"I REALLY DID THAT!?" Marinette blurted out.

Tikki jumped. "It's going to be okay, Marinette."

"You know, I think you're right Tikki. I really do. It's just that I'm surprised it actually happened. After all this time."


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