Hot Cocoa

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Chat Noir jumped to another rooftop with Marinette's arms wrapped around his neck. His hair would occasionally whip into her face and tickle her nose. She was used to running the rooftops as Ladybug, but it was a different experience to be clinging to her partner's back as he ran. Of course, she trusted him with her life. But not knowing exactly what he'd do next added a thrill that made her giggle.

Eventually he extended his baton down to an alley below. The crisp autumn evening had them both craving something warm, so they decided to grab some hot cocoa together. Of course, if they were on any sort of date where people could see, he was transformed and she wasn't. As Alya predicted, it didn't cause much of a stir. Ladybug and Chat Noir dating certainly would have gotten attention and Adrien's love life would definitely appear in magazines if it got out.

As it were, most people just assumed Chat Noir was helping out a citizen. Marinette had been the target of akumatized people multiple times. Maybe the hero was just making sure she was okay? There were rumors here and there that they might be dating, but none of them took off. Mostly because the Ladyblog never gave such rumors any attention.

Marinette and Chat Noir went up to the street vendor and bought their hot cocoa before making their way to a nearby park bench.

"Happy two months!" Chat Noir raised his cup and Marinette tapped her cup to his.

"Wow, it's really been two months!" She tried to take a sip and jerked back suddenly. Apparently, it was a bit too hot to drink right away.

"Careful!" Chat exclaimed in concern.

"It's okay. I'm just being impatient. I didn't actually burn myself."

"You impatient? Never." He laughed.

"Oh shut up." She rolled her eyes at him.


Marinette and Chat Noir hadn't been the only ones craving a warm drink that night. Luka Couffaine had heard good things about a street vendor's hot chocolate for the season. So, he made a point to stop by. He bought his drink and turned to start walking home when he heard familiar voices.

The scene was one he hadn't expected. In front of him he could see what was undoubtedly the backs of Chat Noir and Marinette. They were in deep conversation on a park bench together. Luka began to walk over to say hello when he picked up on their words.

"It really is crazy to think of how different things were two months ago." Marinette said thoughtfully.

"Yeah. I couldn't have imagined this is where we'd be now."

"If you would have told me I'd be on an actual date with Chat Noir back then, I would not have believed you." Marinette turned to the hero a bit of hesitancy in her voice. She kept her words vague. "I'm just so glad we know, you know, about each other now."

"Me too, Marinette." Chat Noir agreed. "Me too."

Luka didn't need to see Chat Noir's face to know he was smiling. However, the scene before him threw him for a loop. Instead of greeting them he opted to go ahead and walk home, unnoticed. He needed some time to process what he'd just heard.

Marinette hadn't thought anyone was listening, but she was still vague in her words. However, Luka had learned their identites during the fight with Wishmaker. It was easy for him to come to a conclusion. Not only were the two apparently dating, but they also knew seemed to know each other's identites.


It had been two months of Chat Noir meeting on Marinette on her balcony and secret double dates with Alya and Nino. Their classmates were impressed that Marinette no longer stumbled with her words around Adrien. Some had asked about their relationship status and they just shrugged and gave vague answers. They'd say that they had just gotten to know each other better. Adrien and Marinette kept the fact that they were dating secret better than could have been expected.

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