2 ~ Clubbing

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I woke up by my alarm, feeling Lana's leg on my stomach still being asleep. I don't know how this girl does it but she sleeps like a wild animal. Wait what is she doing in MY bed? I rose my back from the bed and shook Lana to wake her up. She groans "Mmm what do you want?" I cleared my throat and said "What are you doing here?" "I missed you" she mumbled. "AAWW you missed me" I said while screaming it in her ear and almost hugging her to dead. "Okay okay let go of me now, I can't breathe like this." she protested "oh yea sorry" I let go of her. Lana was still laying down and obviously planning on staying that way, closing her eyes again. I stood up from the bed and walked to the curtains, opening them I say "Good morning lazy!" She groans rolling back on her stomach covering her eyes from the lighting shining through. "How are you always in such a good mood, for god sake it's so early." "Okay first of all, you know that's not true. It's just Friday that's why. And secondly come on, stand up we have to get ready for class." I pull her by her leg. "I don't want to", she says throwing a pillow at me. "I am going to take a shower, when I'm done I want you OUT of bed. Understood?" I look at her with a serious expression. "Yeah yeah, go shower mom", she says mocking me cause I'm always taking care of her. "mommy indeed" I said amused. "eeewww" she throws another pillow at me. I laugh at her words while entering the bathroom, closing the door so the pillow won't hit me.

I put on some music and start undressing. I hop in the shower and start washing my body when I hear the bathroom door open. I turn around opening the shower door slightly, seeing Lana brushing her teeth. "Finally, you're up." "Yeah well, I figured you would either scream at, drag or hit me if I wouldn't." I chuckle knowing it is absolutely true. I turn off the shower after I'm done. I dry myself off as I notice Lana watching me. "What?" I say confused. "You know if we weren't best friends and you were my type, I'd totally bang you." "LANA!!!" I shout in embarrassment. "HAHAHA jk jk, unless..." I look at her shocked "Lana please!" She chuckles "I'm just saying y/n, you're hot! You could definitely get anybody" I smile and turn around leaving the bathroom wrapped in my towel.

"Come on y/n!" she says walking behind me. "What now Lana?" "Why don't you just go on a date with somebody or go out huh? We might find a nice lady or gentleman, hell just people." I open my closet ignoring her. "We need to create some action in your love life y/n. I mean how long has it been since you've had a crush? Five...ten years?" I turn around facing her saying "Seven to be exact." She gasps and says "Was she, who's name we won't speak of, was she really?" I nod. "y/n come on she couldn't have been your first AND latest crush!" I turn around facing her "She wasn't my first crush..." I say slightly embarrassed talking about this topic. "Okay who was then?" I look up at her and respond with "Jessica Rabbit." She laughs "Y/N, a real person not a fictional one!" I stare at her blankly, knowing I can't tell her I had a crush on another woman when I was younger who was kind of my babysitter toobut she just disappeared from my family and life. I still wonder where she might be now. "So she was your first in real life crush, huh? Sad but she doesn't matter anymore. Also that's waaay too long. We need to get you laid." I mumble "Lana you know I've never done...that." She looks confused "That? Done what?" "You know I have never- I-I'm still a..." Lana hugs me "I know I know, you're still a virgin. It'll be okay, I just want you to be happy."

I turn around to pick my outfit. "Thank you. But we really don't have time for this, go get ready. I will meet you downstairs, okay?" She sighs saying "I will but please promise me you will considerate it?" I sigh closing my eyes "Fine! I will, but only if you get dressed right away AND no more talking about it for the rest of the day." "Agreed, Holy Mary!" she says grinning. 'Oh god' I think to myself, rolling my eyes.

I decide on a green blouse with a brown skirt and some heels. I put my hair in a bun and started on my make-up. After I was done I got my bag and walked down the stairs, entering the kitchen. I baked some eggs and bacon for us. I heard Lana walking down the stairs right after I was done cooking our breakfast. We are alone in my house because the rest is either moved out (my sister), on vacation (my brother) or at work in a different state/country (my parents).

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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