The Weekend

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It was Saturday morning at around 9 o' clock am, and Kokichi Ouma was waking up to the sound of pouring rain. 

"Mmm..five more minutes.." Kokichi muttered to himself as he tossed and turned, desperate to fall back to sleep. But after multiple attempts to doze off, it was clear that Kokichi was fully awake. 

"Ugh, fine, I'm up.." He mumbled, as he got up he looked around. His boyfriend, Shuichi Saihara wasn't there by his side like he was last night. Where could he have gone? 

"Kokichi? Are you up? I made you pancakes, love!" Shuichi's voiced echoed into the room, Kokichi's neutral expression turned into a soft smile when he heard Shuichi's voice. 

"Be right there, Shuichi!" As Kokichi arose out of bed, he got a glimpse of the weather from the window right beside the bed. The sky was grey and glooming, it was pouring rain, and with all the fog you could barely see two feet in front of you. How depressing.

It was Kokichi's favorite type of weather, it was the best excuse to stay inside. Kokichi happily stumbled into the living room and was quickly embraced by Shuichi.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" Shuichi cooed, holding Kokichi close to him. Kokichi smiled a bit more and hugged Shuichi back.

"Morning to you too, Shuichi! Oh- Isn't the weather just lovely today?"

"Eh, it's kinda gloomy if you ask me." That's right, Shuichi had always preferred bright sunny weather. Unlike Kokichi, he found it as the perfect excuse to go out and do things.

"You're just lame." 

"I am not!" Shuichi huffed. 

"You must be hungry, come on! I made us pancakes, and Danganronpa is on, they're trying to figure out who killed Sanoji and Mioda." Shuichi dragged Kokichi to the couch, then presented him with a plate of pancakes. 

"Shuichi you really don't have to do this every morning-" 

"Aw, but you know I love to cook for you!" 

"I know but you already do so much-" 

"I'm fine, just eat up, okay?"

Kokichi wanted to say more but obliged and started eating his breakfast. Like always, it was absolutely amazing. At least that what Kokichi always says, but he might just be a little bias. As the two talked and watched Danganronpa, Kokichi noticed Shuichi started to doze off. Shuichi's head was rested on Kokichi's shoulder, and his eyes looked like they were barely opened. 

"Shuichi.." Kokichi nudged Shuichi softly.

"Huh-!? Did I miss something!?"Shuichi quickly shot his head up and looked at the screen, trying to catch up on what he might've missed.

"Shuichi, what time did you get up?" Kokichi questioned.

"6 am, like usual!" It wasn't unusual for Shuichi to get up at the crack of dawn, but he usually wasn't this tired in the morning, that being that he tends to go to bed earlier than the average teen. 

"Okay, what time did you go to bed?" 

"3 am."

Bingo. Shuichi had been having a problem with going to sleep late, then getting really early. Because he feels the need to study every waking moment of his life when he's not with Kokichi. Since he was running on 3 to 2 hours of sleep each day, every time they had school, Shuichi could barely pay attention. Which would cause him to fall behind in his classes, so Shuichi would stay up even later studying. This had taken quite of toll on Shuichi's mental health, so he and Kokichi came up with a compromise. If Shuichi were to get up real early in the morning, then he had to at least go to bed by 12. But today it seems like Shuichi had forgotten their promise. 

"Shuichiiii! You promised!" Kokichi bickered.

"It was for my criminal justice class! You know it's important for me to keep my grades up in that class." Ah yes, Shuichi's dream job, a detective. He likes to go on and on to Kokichi about when he finally gets a job as a detective, he can take care of Kokichi, and they could do whatever they want. Kokichi has been watching Sherlock Holmes recently and is now deadly afraid that Shuichi will wind up dead working on one of these cases. 

"Well you could've just slept in honey, we have nothing to do today!"

"I had, well, still have tons to do! Let's see..I already got the groceries, I cleaned up the house, went out for a walk..but I still need to get the laundry done, I have to finish homework for my other classes. Not mention I need to figure out what to make for lunch AND dinner- then I have to cook that, I also need to clean our room-" Kokichi couldn't bare to listen to Shuichi go on about the things he has to do. So he wrapped his arms around Shuichi and pulled him in for a hug, Shuichi made a noise in surprise but hugged back yet again resting his head on Kokichi's shoulder.

"You overwork yourself too much Shuichi, I love you and all that you do but, you need to give yourself a break." Kokichi whispered, running his fingers through Shuichi's beautiful and soft hair. 

"How about tonight..I cook and do the cleaning. And you can focus on your studies and relax. How does that sound?" Shuichi just decided to stay silent and nod in response. Kokichi wished that he could just do that every day for him, but Shuichi is so stubborn on taking care of Kokichi sometimes. He barely takes care of himself.  

"Come on! Let's go back to bed, I know you're sleepy. I don't want to watch Tsumiki get executed anyways!"

"Wait she's the culprit-!? I knew it! I told you she couldn't be trusted, you just have a thing for the crazy ones."

"She is not crazy! She's..misunderstood."  The two giggled as Shuichi was dragged off to bed. Kokichi pulled Shuichi into a tight hug as the two got into the bed. Kokichi rested his head on Shuichi's chest, starting to drift off to sleep as well. But before they actually fell asleep, Shuichi gave Kokichi's soft kisses on his forehead.

"You know, I don't know what I'd do without you, Kokichi." Shuichi whispered, looking down at Kokichi. Kokichi smiled and gave Shuichi a quick kiss on the lips.

"You know, I don't know what you'd do without me too, Shuichi."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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