Gracefield Academy: The Trio's First Meeting

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Gracefield academy, a predigest school for gifted kids. Most kids are entered at age 5 and do all their schooling there, but if you're lucky you have a chance to enter in high school or middle school as well. Kids who go to school need to have a better IQ than your average person with no criminal record, and you can easily get kicked out. While it's strict you are guaranteed to have a good successful life if you graduate from Gracefield.

Most who go there already have rich successful families, said kids are there to carry on the reputation, but there are still ones with normal low standing families. It's just not as common.

Today is the first day of a new year at Gracefield, most students returning from break while the rest are newcomers.

Among the newcomers was a young strawberry blonde.

Emma nervously played with the hem of her uniforms skirt

Since she was young her uniform just consisted of a white button up shirt and a maroon skirt with black stockings.

The building was huge and there were a lot of kids. Normally this wouldn't deter the 5 year old, she loved people and a big place just meant there was a lot she could explore but right now it all seemed so daunting making her nervous.

Emma shook her head. "Come on, Emma! You got this! Like the saying goes, the only way out is through!" The ginger told herself in an attempt to will herself on.

It didn't work.

"Hey there kiddo, need help?" a voice asked.

Emma looked to the source.

It was a girl a few years older than her, she had blonde hair she wore in a ponytail, with her bangs out nearly covering one of her light blue eyes. There was another girl next to her, she had dark skin and black hair she also wore in a ponytail, and dark brown eyes

"You're new here, huh?" asked the black haired one

Emma nodded

The blonde haired girl held out her hand, "Would you like us to walk you to your class?"

Emma smiled and nodded, taking the older girl's hand. She'd feel a lot better with someone who already knew there way around

"What room were you assigned to?" Asked the girl with black hair. The kids were divided into 3 groups to make things less chaotic for the teachers.

"Oh yeah, room B06."

"Oh cool, that was the one we were assigned to when we first came!" The blonde one nodded in agreement.

Emma's eyes lit up, she barely knew the two girls but she could tell they were super nice, and she was happy to be in the same class they were once in even though in reality it didn't mean much.

"What's your name anyways?" asked the blonde girl.

"I'm Emma." The redhead responded with a bright smile.

The two girls gave her their own smiles.

"I'm Michelle," said the blonde girl, "Over there is Olivia." Olivia smiled.

"You guys have pretty names." Emma said.

"Aww! You're so sweet." Michelle said, "Never change." and she gently patted Emma's head.

The three girls talked until they arrived to B06.

"Here we are!" Olivia announced.

"Just some quick advice!" Michelle said, "Miss Taylor may seem mean but she's actually really nice if you get on her soft side."

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