Goldy Pond Cafe: Both Can Be True

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Ahh yes, valentines day. One of Yuugo's least favorite holidays. And no, it's not because he had to work and had no one to spend it with, okay, maybe a little, Yuugo always hated lovey dovey sappy things, things that couples love to do on this particular day. But such is life he supposed.

Yuugo did like seeing the younger kids give gifts and such to their friends and 'crushes'. Young love his hilarious because in a few years they'll look back and see how weird and cringey they were, and Yuugo gets to be the main reason for that, since he has front row seats to it all.

Man he needed a life other than messing with kids.

School just got out so kids, mostly teens, were here with their significant other drink from the same cup with two different straws, sharing sweets, yada, yada, yada. Adults don't usually show up till later in the evening, which is a whole other shit show.

Still, Yuugo tried to be a little festive by putting up hearts around the shop and putting red food coloring in the cakes.

Yuugo heard the bell ring and looked over from the dishes he was cleaning to see who had entered.

It was Paula, she usually came with Oliver or Zack but she was alone this time around, which slightly concerned Yuugo.

He couldn’t quite see her expression due to her mask but she seemed upset about something.

Taking off her school bag Paula sat down at the front counter, her head down resting her face on her hand, elbows on the counter. Definitely upset. “Want anything?” Yuugo asked.

Yuugo stood there not sure whether or not Paula would respond. She was quiet and reserved so Yuugo highly doubted she would tell him whats wrong, not that he’d be able to help much anyways.

After what felt like forever Paula finally spoke up. “Yuugo, you’ve…had a crush before, right?” Yuugo was slightly taken aback, that was an odd question, especially for a 13 year old, at least he knew it was a romance problem, something normal for her age.

“Yeah.” He had a huge crush on both Lucas and Dina back in the day.

“What does it feel like?” Paula asked in a soft voice, finally looking up and looking at him.

“Uhh, well” Yuugo studdard, he was not prepared for this at all. “It’s a strong feelin', and you can’t stop thinkin' about the person, uhh, it can also vary from somethin' small to you obsessing over the person every hour of the day. You get all giddy and nervous when they're around and you notice every small thing about 'em.”

Paula looked down, Yuugo couldn’t tell if she was processing the information or unhappy with the answer, maybe both.

“What if someone doesn’t feel a crush?...Does that mean there's something…wrong with them?”

Ahh fuck, definitely not prepared for this, and were her eyes glistening?

“W-well I wouldn’t say there's somethin’ wrong with ‘em. They don’t fit in society’s norms, sure, but no one does in a way.”

“But love is what makes us human, right? Would they be dehumanized for not feeling it?”

Goddamnit, he could hear her voice cracking, why did she come to him though? Wouldn’t Lucas be more equipped for dealing with this? She’s closer to him anyways.

“Yes, love does make us human, but not necessarily romantic love, it could be love between family or friends. Paula,” The black haired girl looked up at him, “You're not a freak, or any less human than the rest of us."

He could see the teen's eyes become glass like, wait, shit, no, she was crying.

Yuugo was about to comfort her but she looked at him with what he assumed was a smile (it was hard to tell with the mask), "Thank you." Paula said quietly.

"Heh, no problem kid." Yuugo said with a smile. "But hey, ya know you can also talk to your friends, right? They care about ya, so don't be afraid to ask ‘em for help."


As if they were summoned, Oliver and Zack walked through the door.

"Paula! There you are!" Oliver exclaimed."We've been looking for you everywhere!"

"Just picking up some drinks," Yuugo said for her, Paula nodded.

"Thanks," said Zack, taking a seat next to black haired girl.

"What did you order?" Asked Oliver

"I got you the strawberry mango tea and Zack the blueberry tea."

"You know us too well." Oliver teased putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's hard not when you both order the same thing every time." Puala said back

"Not like you're much better." Zack joined in.

The 3 giggled, the entire conversation was ridiculous and they knew it.

"Well if you 3 are done, I have your drinks made." Yuugo interrupted.

The 3 gained a sheepish smile.

"Thanks, Yuugo. How much?" Oliver asked before Puala or even Zack could protest.

"It's on the house." Said the man giving the teens a smile.

The three of them slipped into easy conversation after that, talking about school and the other things teenagers talk about.

After they finished their drink they got up to leave, something about a movie night at Oliver's. Which isn't a bad idea, maybe he should call Lucas and ask him to hang out later.

"Thanks again, Yuugo!" Puala called out, the two boys voiced their agreements, they were talking about the free drinks but little did they know Puala was on a completely different page. But that's fine.

"Don't worry about it!" Yuugo called back as he watched them leave through the door.

They'd be just fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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