Gracefield Academy: A Day In The Life Of School I

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It's been a couple of weeks since school has started. Ray was sitting in his mom's classroom waiting for Emma or Norman to show up. Being the kid of a teacher meant that he and his sister had to show up extra early with their mom.

Isabella was organizing a stack of papers and Suzan was getting some snacks from the vending machine.

Ray has always had trouble socializing with other kids, he was shy and unapproachable but that didn't seem to stop Norman and Emma from adopting him into their small group. They were fine with his snide comments and snarky attitude that he has been told numerous times that he was too young to have. Norman came back at him with his own, turning it into a battle of wits, Emma found it amusing and loved to watch their battle. Was that strange with 4 year olds? Yes, but the 3 of them were the definition of strange. They were his best friends, Ray had never felt so at home with kids his age as he felt with them.

Isabella and Suzan were happy that he's found his own group, as strange as they were, even though Isabella worked with kids for a living and thus has seen her own fair share of odd friendships, Norman and Emma were truly a blessing.

Suzan walked into the classroom, interrupting to raven haired boys thoughts, She handed him a small bag of cheeze-Its and Isabella a drink she had gotten from the vending machine. "Thank you dear" Isabella said, patting the girl affectionately on the head, Suzan responded with a smile.

The black haired girl took a seat on the desk next to Ray's and started munching on some goldfish she got for herself.

"So, are you going to share those with your friends?" Suzan asked, noticing how Ray hasn't opened his snack yet.


"Aww! That's so sweet! Too bad you're not that nice to me."

"Shut up." Ray grumbled under his breath.

Suzan still had the teasing grin on her face, telling him that she was nowhere near done with her teasing. Ray responded with a glare.

"You know you could just ask for two more to share," Suzan started, the mischief in her eyes knew no bounds. "Or do you like it better when you guys share one bag all lovey dovey like?"

Ray's cheeks flushed, "S-shut up, and no I don't!"

"Mhhm, whatever you say."

"Class is going to be starting soon, Suzen, you should start heading to your classroom." Isabella interrupted the two.

"Ok, mom." Suzen responded and got up to leave.

Once the black haired girl left Isabella turned to Ray. "You know she teases you with love right?", She asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Ray grumbled, Isabella smiled softly in response.

Kids slowly filtered into the classroom while Ray waited not so patiently for Emma and Norman.

Norman got a ride to school so he usually got here before Emma who took the bus.

Ray looked towards the door every few seconds waiting for Norman or Emma to walk through.

Finally, Norman walked through the door and into the classroom and Ray had to stop himself from smiling. Norman gave him a sweet smile when he saw the raven. Ray felt his cheeks go pink but quickly got himself under control.

"Good morning, Ray!" Norman greeted


"Did you sleep well?" Norman asked

"I slept fine, did you?"


"Do you know what we're going to be learning about today?"

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