Chapter 2

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Damian's POV:

"Why have you called me mother." I asked. "I was in the middle of my training."

"Damian, we just got a request to attack. We don't know who sent it, but they left a vary large sum of money." 

"Tt. What does that have to do with me? Why don't you just send out other assassins?"

"The family we are attacking is very wealthy, meaning we need someone to actually kill them while we distract their guards. We are attacking a family northeast. They have a daughter about your age. We were told to kill her. If the others get in our way, so be it." Mother shrugged.

"Fine, when do we attack."

"Break of dusk. Tomorrow." She barked.

"I'll be ready."

Mother and I crept through the gardens towards our target. We were careful not to make a sound. Unfortunately when we were halfway there, one of our men stepped on a dry branch.

"Shh! You imbecile." I whisper-shouted. Suddenly, many armored men started running out of their stations.

"Look what you did." Mother yelled and sliced the imbecile in half. "Damian, go through the window over there," she pointed to a slightly opened window on the second floor. "And kill them yourself. We'll make sure nothing goes wrong out here."

I nodded and ran towards the window. I climbed the tree and bounced off of it just barely grabbing the windowsill. I pulled myself up and looked around the room. The walls were red with white trims, the floors were made of mahogany, and there was a large desk in the middle. This must be the house owner's study. I glanced around the room, and my eyes landed on a beautiful painting. It was of the Emperor, the Empress, and their daughter Princess Mingyu of China. At that moment I realized one thing: This wasn't just any wealthy family's home. This was the Emperor and Empress' castle. 

"I'm sent to kill the princess?" I mumbled to myself in disbelief. I heard a loud cry of pain from outside. His Majesty just got stabbed. I jumped back out the window and helped him to safety. I found a small, concealed hatch behind a bush and carried him down.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" I asked.

"Ah, my ankle." He whimpered. I took some of the bandage on the table next to us and wrapped his foot.

"There. I'll be back soon, I need to bring the rest of your family here."

"Thank you." He whispered. 

Silently making my way back to the study, I heard voices coming from the room next to me. I followed them and quietly entered the library.

"I-I don't know." The Empress wailed.

"Your Majesty, his Majesty is strong. I am sure he will come out alive." The advisor reassured.

"I highly doubt that, seeing as who he's up against." I said dubiously. My voice echoed through the large stone walls of the library. 

"Who are you." The Empress asked.

"My name does not concern you. What you choose to do, does." 

"Can you bring my dad back to us?" Mingyu whimpered. I sighed and looked down.

"I shouldn't be doing this, but I know how to get your entire family to safety." I bowed my head. "But your Majesties and your Highness will have to trust me."

"H-How do we know we can trust you?" Her Majesty questioned.

"You don't. You just have to trust that I want to help."

"I trust him, mama." Mingyu whispered.

"Then I trust him, too."

"Follow me."

I led them through the halls to another room. The room with the secret exit. It just so happened to be next to a window, where Mother was now staring at me in betrayal. I looked away and nodded. She brightened up and mouthed 'I approve. Kill them.' My eyes widened. We must've had a miscommunication, I'm not going to kill them. The only people I'm going to kill are our assassins if they get in my way.

"Your father is already here, I rescued him. He has a stab wound in his left ankle, I attempted to bandage it, but it's just a temporary fix." I informed once we were all in the tunnel. 

"Thank you." Mingyu said sincerely.

"Of course." I felt my face heat up. Mingyu smiled and skipped up next to me. We continued to walk side by side until we all reached a small seating area in the dark passageway.

"Daddy!" Mingyu cried. She ran up to her father who's arms were wide open thankful for the embrace.

"My jade! I'm so happy you're safe!" Guotin hugged his wife and daughter. "Thank you." His Majesty turned towards me. I couldn't help but glance at their reunion. They all looked so happy to be with each other, I couldn't kill them. I won't kill them. "We are forever grateful for your kindness towards us."

"It was my pleasure, your Majesty." He replied. Mingyu opened up her arms as a gesture for him to join her family hug. I hesitantly accepted and hugged the grateful family and Jianyu. Suddenly, we all heard a large bang above us.

"The war is slowing down. We need to get out of here, now!" I warned. "I do, too." I muttered. I doubt anyone heard me. Plus, if I don't get back in time, Mother will come kill them herself.

"Let's go! We can figure out what to do once we're at the our secluded apartment." His Majesty, Goutin, yelled.

Everyone sprinted through the tunnel. I know I should be going back, but I have to see that Mingyu is safe. I sprinted to catch up with everyone else. Once we all reached the end of the tunnel, I placed a hand on Mingyu's shoulder. 

"Good luck, Mingyu." I whispered to her and sprinted back to the cove. I recall Mingyu's face heating up just a little bit.

"Mother!" I exclaimed. "How did you find this place?"

"Well, you were the one who showed me this passage." She prided. Behind her were two assassins both looking unemotional. Was I really like that?

"Of course, Mother."

"Is Princess Mingyu dead?" She questioned in her businesslike manner.

"Yes." I lied and bowed my head before any of them could see my expression.

"Good. Let's go back now." She ordered.

That night was the last night I ever saw Princess Mingyu. For a very long time, at least. All I could remember about her was her gorgeous azure blue eyes. And her loving smile.

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