Leave me alone TURD!

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Shelly awoke in her room. But something was off, ripping open the curtains she could see her old backyard, with the sun rising just behind the Rockies

"Huh?" She said, looking down from her room.

Looking around, she could notice it was the same old backyard she had before the family moved out to Tegridy Farms.

Slightly stumbling back from her window-seal she felt her head and gave herself a pinch to see if she was dreaming.

"Oh shit..." Shelly said in realization.

A half awake-half asleep Stan in Pajamas walking past Shelly's door was flung as Shelly threw it open.

"AH!" - Stan

"Outta the way turd!" - Shelly

Stan got up, dusting himself.

"Jesus Chrsit, watch out" - Stan said, annoyed.

"Holy shit Stan! We're back!" Said Shelly

"What are you talking about?" - Asked Stan

Shelly, seemingly gleeful and cheery, had her smile turn to a stern face, thinking that if she tells Stan of Tegridy, he'd implant the idea into their dad, and the whole process will start over again.

"Uh..Nothing, nothing...Good morning"- Shelly

"Yeah, whatever" - Stan said, walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get changed for school.

"Kids, are you almost done?" Said Sharron from downstairs preparing breakfast for the family.

"Aw sweet, Hell yeah" Said Randy, Video game controller in hand, trying for a new high score.

"Randy I need you to remember to take out the trash tonight" - Sharon

"Yeah, yeah I hear you" - Randy said, unamused.

"Did you ever know what I said?" - Sharon said in a sterner tone

"Yeah! Stan has a drinking problem. God! I'll talk to him about it when he gets home from school" - Randy

*Sharon angrily sighs before saying goodbye to Stan and Shelly for school*

"Bye Mom" said Shelly and Stan in unison.

Shelly and Stan said nothing on their walk to the bus-stop.

"So as I was saying Kyle...you can indeed die from a titty twister" - Cartman

Stan and Shelly walk to the bus-stop, snow crunching and breaking under their feet.

"Hey Stan" They all said in Unison.

"What's that thing?" - Cartman

"My sister, Shelly" said Stan.

"Oh, gross, what, is she coming with you to school today?" - Kenny

"Nah, we take the same bus now, remember the last one blew up?"

"Oh that's right...Yeah I didn't have anything to do with that...totally did not..." - Cartman said, trying to look innocent.

"Anyway, what, is your sister going to have her period all over us?"

Shelly looked over at Cartman, mouth agape and offended.

"Fuck you fucking Turd!" - Shelly

"Hey fuck you back bitch, you don't know me!" - Cartman

"I'm gonna kick your ass if you don't shut up!"- Shelly

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