Chapter 2: You're all Turds!

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Shelly returned home, after a long and awkward car ride, before Sharon and Randy could reprimand her for her actions, she stormed off upstairs into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Burying her face into her pillow, letting out a pained wail into it, she uttered "Turds...all fucking turds!". 

Tears began to roll down her face and stain her pink pillow. She got up, seemingly disillusioned.

 Wiping the tears rolling down her face, a small klink was heard from her window. Then another, then another. 

Going over to her window, and investigating the noise, she saw down below Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny, noticeably missing Stan. 

"WHAT DO YOU TURDS WANT!?" Shelly asked the boys down below.

"Kenny says you beat up his brother at school today" - Kyle

"Yeah she fucking kicked his ass" - Kenny

"HE GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO HIM!" - Shelly said, slamming her window and angerly walking back to her bed. 

Before Shelly could sit back down on her bed, a pebble flew through her window. 

"Ah shit..." was overheard from Cartman. 

"UGHHH!!!" yelled Shelly as Randy came up to her room to investigate the noise. 

"Ah great, this is what, the 6th time this happened?" - Randy

"IT WAS STAN'S TURD FRIENDS" - Shelly said, trying to explain the situation. 

"Oh you mean the fat one, the Jewish one, and the poor one?" - Randy 


"Oh, well I'll make sure to tell their parents first thing in the morning, here just take this broom and sweep up the damage, I'm kinda..."busy"  - Randy

Randy handed a broom to Shelly as he went downstairs, as Shelly was sweeping up the damage she could hear from downstairs.


Shelly sighed, throwing the broken bits of glass  into a small trash can in her room before laying back and trying to sleep. 


Shelly awoke that morning, as she stood up, a piece of her hair got stuck in her headgear, trying to remove it, a few strands were ripped. Shelly groaned as she finally untangled it and got ready for school...only to realize it was a weekday.

She got up groggily, Stan was already out the door for a day of god-knows-what. 

Shelly really wasn't the type to wander South Park. A real homebody...but something came over her, she decided for the day, she'd stalk Stan.

After all, she never really knew what he was up to most of the days he was out, and was interested to see what him and his little Turd friends were up to. 

Shelly walked down the stairs and out the door. Before she could go, Sharon stopped her ahead.

"W-wait where are you going?" - Sharon

"Uhh...I don't know" - Shelly

"Well, if you're gonna be out be home before dark I suppose" - Sharon

"Yeah" - Shelly

Shelly exited out into the world, the snow chuffing and crushing under her feet. She didn't really know which direction Stan went, so her first location was the park.

 Shelly's walk was uneventful until she made it to the basketball court part of the park. On some metal bleaches the Goth kids, Michael, Pete, Firkle, and Henrietta were sitting, smoking and conversing about their hate for "conformists" 

Shelly noticed them and walked up to them to ask if they've seen Stan.

"Hey have you seen my stupid asshole conformist turd brother?" - Shelly

"Woah...she just used our word" - Pete said, flicking his hair.

"Pretty goth dude" - Micheal

"Yeah pretty goth, but no, we haven't seen your brother" - Pete 

"Damnit...So what are you guys supposed to vampires?" - Shelly"

"Woah-woah-woah, we are not fucking Vampires! Everyone keeps saying that, they need to shut up!" - Henrietta 

"Yeah, we're goths, if you never heard of it you're probably just another conformist" - Firkle 

"Goths? I mean...I've heard Stan talk about you seem kinda cool I guess" - Shelly

"Okay, if you wanna be a Goth, or a least a poser, stop calling people turds...that's just gross" - Michael

"Yeah, it's pretty grotty" - Pete

"BUT THEY ARE TURDS" - Shelly said 

"Uh huh" - Pete said, dismissing shelly and going back to talking with the Goth Crew. 

Shelly, angered by them ignoring her, thought to herself "I'll show those turds..." 

After a while, Shelly, seeing no sign of her brother, sat on a cold metal bench, sulking. 

Michael came up to her. 

"How does one become goth?" Asked Shelly.

"One doesn't just "become" goth, it's not just some poser conformist nonsense like joining a gang. You have to dress like it, and actually show the world that you're pretty goth"  - Michael

"What the hell does that mean?" - Shelly asked in a confused manner

"You'll find out" - Michael said, walking away with his cane.  

"What a turd..." - Shelly grumbled to herself.

The day was slowly coming to an end, Shelly had looked far and wide for Stan but to no avail. 

Shelly was getting ready to embark from the park when of all people, Kevin and his little gang of ruffians approached her.

Not paying an attention to them, seeing them wall past her onto the basketball court, she let out a small annoyed sigh,  before walking back home, still thinking of what that weird Goth kid told her. 

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