Chapter 3: Goth Turds...

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Shelly was unsurprisingly suspended from school for the week for hitting Kevin. 

She was relativity bored, being hooked up in her house all day, she really wanted to know what the whole "Goth" stuff those freaky kids were talking about.

Shelly looked through her closet, mumbling to herself.

"No stuff I have is goth, where the hell do these kids buy their clothes?" - Shelly said confused.

Shelly embarked out on an adventure to fit in with the Goth kids, she remembered Stan's goth phase somewhat, and knew the best place to get "Goth" attire.

Making her way to the remodeled Hot-Topic, which had a "NO GOTHS ALLOWED" sign, to her dismay, she pushed the doors open to the store and looked around.

"Uhhh, you need any help?" - Hot Topic worker

"I'm trying to find some goth looking clothes some turds said I'd fit in the scene" - Shelly

"Oh we don't sell Goth clothes, no, not after "The incident" - Hot Topic worker

"The Incident???" - Shelly asked.

The Hot Topic worker shuttered. "Goth kids burned down our shop, that's why we don't allow any goth stuff in the shop okay?" 

"Well then where do I find any goth clothes?" - Shelly

The Hot Topic worker sighed. "Alright look, there's some hobo by the U-STOR-IT in town, I don't know why, but the goth kids who come around always say he sells some "banging ass clothes" He stated, along with finger quotes.

 "There, I told you where to get goth crap now go on, skedaddle, shoo shoo" The Hot topic worker ordered Shelly as he pushed her out of the store.

 "H-hey!" Shelly said, as the door closed behind her


She started walking towards the U-Store-It, she thought it was weird that they would put a store in the middle of nowhere like this, but figured she'd check it out anyways. The hobo, a random guy sitting up against a fence with a sizeable rack of Knick knacks and clothes looked at up her.

"Oh, you here for the goth stuff?" - Hobo

"Yeah I guess, what do you recommend?" - Shelly

"Dunno, you touch it you buy" - Hobo

Shelly sighed, and pulled apart the small rack against the fence looking for something sizeable, far from her usual attire, she pretty much just grabbed anything.

In the end, Shelly picked out some standard "goth" attire, fishnets, a black shirt, and a frilly skirt, along with a pair of boots that looked oddly comfortable.

Shelly handed the Hobo some cash, which he went out to grab, before slumping over into his bottle of whisky.

"Uhhh...." - Shelly said in a confused tone before walking off.

As she walked away, she looked into Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse, to see none other then the Goth kids, Pete, Michael, Henrietta and Firkle gulping down on some Dark roast, mumbling to themselves.

Shelly took a deep sigh, heading back home and putting on her clothes.

After a while, and a bit of using Sharon's makeup to doll herself up, she looked in the mirror.

"I look like a total turd..." She said in a defeated tone.

Making her way back to Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse, she entered the establishment, only to find none other then the Goth Kids...and her new nemesis, Kevin McCormick sitting on a high stool.

Shelly groaned a bit to herself, knowing if Kevin saw her like this...she wouldn't hear the end of it.

Shelly attempted to ignore Kevin as she walked in and up to the Goth Kid's table.

"Oh look, it's turd girl...what, you think you're goth now?" - Pete.

Shelly was about to insult Pete, before holding it back and instead let out a "How do I look?"

Michael, getting a good look at shelly, stepped down from the small table, and made a quick circle around her.

"Passable, pretty passable for a goth. I mean, not even your conformist brother could pull it off, so that's saying something"- Michael

"I guess you can sit with us" - Pete

Shelly's face lit up as she sat in an empty chair next to them.

"Huh-huh-huh look guys, it's Shelly, she's a vampire now or somethin" - Kevin said, as him and his small crew came up to the table to get a good look.

"Go away you Tu-" Before Shelly could finish her favorite word, she took a good look at the Goth Kids, before slinking back and finishing it with a "Conformist...conformist".

Kevin didn't heed her warning and awkwardly tried to sit at the table with them.

"Ugh go away you fucking weirdo redneck!" - Henrietta

Kevin sat there, trying his best to annoy shelly and her new acquired friends.

Tweek, who was pretty much the only worker in Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse besides his parents anxiously yelled out for an order. "UHHHHGHH....K-KEVIN!"

"Ahh, that's mine" - Kevin said, getting up and walking over to the counter.

"GUAHHHH...TAKE IT!" Tweek offered his cup

As Kevin loomed over to Shelly and The Goth Kids, a mishap...or more or less caused intentionally by Kevin, lead to his coffee spilling ALL over Shelly's new goth clothes.


"Uh oh..." Kevin said, slowly backing away from the table and out of the store.

"W-W-W-W-WAIT YOU GOTTA PAY!" - Tweek fruitlessly tried to inform Kevin as the bell to the door jingled over his head.

"Don't worry...those coffee stains are totally goth, plus it's obvious that guy has a crush on you" - Pete said, flicking the ashes to his cigarette. 

"Y-Y-Y-YOU CAN'T SMOKE IN HERE!" - Said Tweek from across the way.

Pete ignored him, as Shelly was wiping off the liquid from her clothes, trying to ignore Pete's insight.

"No he doesn't..." Shelly grumbled under here breath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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