Day 1

6 1 0

Okay, I sat here for 10 minutes deciding on what to write about. This is just sad. Oh wow and now I get an idea -_-
Wtf - What the fuck
Wtf - Welcome to Facebook
So yeah. Wtf bitches. Oh yeah btw I only cuss a lot in texts. That includes this. So yeah.
Ass - butt - booty
Ass - wild donkey - wild donkeys have butts - asses have asses
Are you proud of me mother 0.O
Anyhow so I'm bored obviously. All my friends won't text back and I'm out of episodes of anime's. Anime haters suck. OTAKUS SHALL RULE THE UNIVERSE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... hahahaha..... hehehe.... he......
(Comment #otaku if you made this far)
Back on track now I have a one track mind that goes backwards sometimes. I should just write a story about chickens. Someone mentioned chickens a couple months ago. It was in a story. About mystical platipi. Too bad I don't have the story. I only took the candy and some other stuff. I ran out of story and candy. Sad day. REBLOG!
Oh yeah and check out my song of the day! ADDICTED!!
So don't forget to comment and star if you enjoyed. Weird story I know. My brain XD. Oh and I'm gonna be ending with a quote from a comment so please do comment. PEACE OUT!

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