Day 2

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Okay so today we had snow cones...... laaaame. Well Welcome to facebook again. Or something. I have been working on a big project in history so yeah. anyone goin' to strickland here? idfk. So..... That song though. :3 I just felt like putting that song there. I like the ity bity Dinosaur. It looks cute. Rawr. also i have been looking at stuff on the interweb lately.

"That's dangerous" ~ Wreck It Ralph

Gotta love that movie. <3 . I have another song to show you next time. You can also comment on if you want a song I need to publish on here. Horses. Aww i love Love Stage. SO KAWAI!!!!!! HORSES DO NOT DIE OF CANCER! That's a lie. I know a horse that died from cancer. :( wait. don't be sad. Sad spelled backwards is das. And das not good (cant remember where I got that but it was from here).

"And ever since that day..." ~ Lost Boy (I like nightcore version)

So seriously guys I need somethin' to write about... COMMENT #IListened if you got this far.

:( i be das. goys oi om tokun un on uccont. Idfk anymore. Fuck life. I have a good life but with one secret that might make my life terrible. Haters gonna hate. Should I hell y'all my secret? I'll give you the letters scrambled and you can post it in the comments to see if you're right:
I double checked that the letters were all there. That's all of them. Try to figure it out if you dare. I'm still kinda scared to tell people ESPECIALLY my family.
Anyhow people don't forget to comment! I love comments! Even if it's criticism! I'm so lonely :( no one commented on my last one so I have no quote :( so comment on dis 1 with the hashtag and you will get on here.
Making a GerIta Fanfic check it out! Haven't got done with the first chapter but will be soon!
That's it for today guys I'll see you on day 3 (I will talk about what you want me to talk about if you comment hashtag or not. Hashtag is only required for quotes). Oh and I need an ending so comment what I should do for all my endings. Now I'm done. You can go away now. No I'm serious. I'm going to stop talking now so you can leave. Bai.

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