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In the days that followed Andreas learned that a small postern gate known as the Kerkoporta or Circus gate had been left open by mistake during the chaos of the attack. The Turks had noticed this and rushed through in massive numbers aiding their comrades attacking the walls, they overwhelmed all and gathered like a great tide, taking parts of city. They had gotten inside.

Then swept through, placing their flags at the gates. They killed any in their path and began to sack the city, stealing any valuables. Eventually the Byzantines managed to close the postern gate, stopping the attackers from being reinforced , but it was too late they were inside.

Any defender who could had escaped the doomed city on their ships. The rest were put to the death. The great city fell, the last reminder of the Roman Empire was taken. Many of the citizens were sold into slavery, the rest were slaughtered like animals. Andreas managed to escape from the city and carried on the fight in Morea for a few years before it too fell.

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