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It was all over.

She was no longer cornered into street signs by reporters shouting her name. People seemed to forget everything that happened, in so little time. Yet she still felt the pitiful glances as she walked along her ways, to school, home, or anywhere really. 

She felt fine, numb. 

But then the rumours started, instead of sorrowful glances and stares, whispers replaced them, and instead of her name being the talk of the town, Halil's was. She wondered 'has this town learned anything?' sometimes she spoke her opinion, sometimes she kept it in the back corners of her brain. 

Something she did ponder aloud was how anybody could simply forget Savanna Park's death, the death of her best-friend, that just happened only 4 months ago. Though she was now in a cemetery and her body had been recovered, people just seemed to go directly to the Singh family, again. Police wont release anything for her poor family seeking true closure. 

And thats when it hit her. 

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