Intuition and Clairvoyance

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This is super long but I have edited most of it and enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoy!

"Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance- it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality."

The rest of the school day was fairly normal, or at least nothing else happened incident wise. The hero course made it hard to think of any class as normal, but he was honestly loving English. The only strange thing happened during All Might's class...

While everybody else freaked out in excitement, Izuku did not. He was excited of course, he just didn't have the same giddy joy as before he met his idol.

I think it's time to start practicing One for All... He thought, feeling his arms tingle at the idea. All Might made eye contact with him as he entered(kind of dramatically) an Izuku just gave his mentor a nod.

Honestly? He was a lot less expressive than the other kids, but Izuku was just as excited. He had always wanted this, and still did. It was no longer an unrealistic dream, and he was going to achieve it.

"Hero Costumes!!" Izuku was snapped out of his train of thought by the yelling we. Looking up, it was blatantly obvious what everybody was rallied over.

Hero costumes. Something he had put so much thought into as a little kid, but now... Izuku had changed it. His old idea was just as unrealistic as his original dream, but the boy didn't blame his past self for it.

Honestly? I'm still a fanboy. I can't help it. His new costume was still just as cringy, but I'm this case a different kind. It's practical AND cringy!

His hair was longer than most boys his age, so he had decided to wear some kind of ponytail. Upon trying though, he had failed miserably to tame it. My hair fluffs out like a barely contained puff. Maybe I could get a hair straightener?

The main outfit was leather pants, a sleeveless vest with pockets, and a one arm jacket with embroidery that he had chosen because it had dramatic flair, as well as covered up half of his pockets. The other arm had an elbow length glove with the center palm cut out so that his spells wouldn't damage them, while he wore a shorter glove on his other arm with a similar design.

The jacket previously mentioned had a "sleeve" for the other arm that was actually just a band that went up his shoulder so the jacket would stay up. The band did have one cool part though, because though it wasn't visible under the vest, there was a flair of green ribbon that led to it. The costume had two belts, one around the stomache to hold the jacket in place, one around his actual waist for the pants. The second belt was very obviously inspired by Present Mic's, with it being red and nearly identical. He wore regular leather boots.

Izuku's largest fanboy addition, though, considering his very obvious attempts to look like his favorite hero, was the neckpiece. It wasn't as bulky as Mic's, nor was the metal gear even all that similar, but the main purpose was the same: it was a metal choker that covered part of his left shoulder as armor, along with his face. It's main purpose was to keep his neck safe, but the secondary use was it covering up his mouth, making it possible to direct the sound in a similar way to Present Mic's.

I use the same power as him, I should take advantage of knowing how to better it. The problem came in actually putting the stuff on. He didn't use a full jacket because he wanted to not die of heat stroke. Leather didn't burn well, and was a great material for heat or cold though, so he felt a bit better about that part. Then there was the obnoxious armor and attatchments- plus, the fact that he needed to carry his backpack, meaning he would need to get a new one of those. All in all, it was time consuming and annoying to try and figure out, and Izuku was genuinely considering lust removing the jacket or perhaps his vest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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