Don't You Dare Forget The Sun, Love

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I ran all the way, up my stairs and wouldn't stop. Grabbed my Phone, Keys and my necklace with a razor on it. The only one I still have after my brother tried taking them all. So I still have a few. But just a few. Then I hear it. Steps-footsteps. Then I play my music. Don't You Dare Forget The Sun. "Don't you dare forget the sun, love." I grabbed the razor and slit about 14 times on my skinny little arm. One for Vic, One for Jaime, One for Kellin, one for Tony, one for Mike, one for Andy, Ashley ,CC , Jake and Jinxx. Can't forget Nick. One for each of my bullies. I weighed 80 pounds and for an 8th grader going to High school, You weighed to little.. But I believed I was truly fat. The door was banging- being kicked by way more than one foot. The door comes down. BAHM! Vic looked scared but and angry "CUNT, YOU NEVER LISTEN!!! I SAID KILL YOURSELF NOT CUT YOURSELF!!" Tony looked angry and exclaimed "YOU ARE REALLY BAD AT THIS" Mike just spit on me again. Jaime was just disappointed "You need a mental, cause you can't hear over your mental issues." I just let myself slip away.. I woke up on the couch held in my brother's arms and he was angry but really sad because he must've thought I'd never wake up. "Ashley?" He was crying but was able to make out the words "Kells- You- You're alive! You made it. Oh my beautiful darling, don't ever scare me like that again."

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