Chapter Three

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"Wow" was all that Sasha could say after witnessing their exploits.

"I was expecting us to get dragged in here, or just fall through the ground and end up here or something."

"We broke into a CIA black site" Anne said, attempting to come to terms with their prior choices.

"And beat up their agents" Marcy continued

"and freely leaped through a portal back to Amphibia" Sasha said, continuing with the thread.

"All for some Beetle Burgers" the three said in unison, having reached a consensus.

"So what do we do now?" Anne asked the others.

"Well" Sasha started, taking charge like she usually did, "it looks like we're standing on a lily pad. And it doesn't look like they stretch to any of the banks, so we're probably going to have to swim if we wanna get on stable ground."

"Oh no, my head hurts way too much for swimming"

"Anne, you don't use your head for anything other than breathing when you're swimming. Plus, from what we already know about Amphibia, there's probably a giant snake or bug or something underwater that's ready to kill us and I'd like get as far away from it as possible."

The two turn to Marcy.

"You're the deciding vote Mar-Mar" Sasha said, "should we get off this thing now, or wait for our hangovers to go away?"

Marcy sat for a moment, thinking. "I agree with Sasha" she concluded "there's a lot of dangerous fauna in Amphibia, and they have a tendency to gather around water sources, like lakes. If we go now, we're running less of a risk of getting caught off guard in an area where we have a lot of disadvantages when it comes to combat."

"Fine," Anne accepted Marcy's reasoning.

"Yes! Democracy wins again!" Sasha yelled. Now it was her turn to face her friends' ire.

"Ow Sash! Why are you yelling so loud!?" Marcy cried out. Their heads were pounding from the noise, but not as much as they had earlier. Anne was content to turn and walk to the edge of the lily pad while holding her head and grumbling.

That was when she saw it.

A/N: sorry for posting late, I got distracted, I hope you can forgive my egregious error.

A/N 2: Electric Boogaloo: It took me WAY too long to realize that I'd accidentally labeled this Chapter Four instead of Three, sorry for any confusion.

(Hopefully) final A/N: I'd like to let you know beforehand, while I'm not finished with it yet, the part of the next chapter I HAVE written gets surprisingly dark REALLY quickly, so do with that what you will.

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