Chapter Seven

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   "Okay, let's go," Anne said as she led the way.

   They marched up the beach and towards the edge of the forest. The women entered the tree line and quickly crested a hill overlooking a clearing. They saw a group of dog-like creatures gathered below.

   As they attempted to get closer, they noticed a humanoid shape a little ways down the hill. They were lying in some bushes, watching the clearing. The three concluded that the person hadn't seen them yet, and approached them cautiously.

   Sasha moved to the figure's left while Marcy went to the right, Anne walking straight towards it as they attempted to surround the person. When they were 10 feet away, the person quickly flipped onto their back, pulled out a pistol, and aimed it directly at Anne.

   They stared at Anne for a second, processing the implications of her being there, before snapping back to reality and holstering their weapon. Eventually, they stood up from the ground and Anne was able to get a good look at them.

   They were tall, standing head and shoulders over Anne. Their shoulders were wide, but betrayed by the person's hunched posture. They were gaunt, so much so that Anne could see their bones jutting from their dark skin as their gaunt face leaned over her.

   "Why are you here?" They asked softly, continuously glancing over their shoulder at the creatures to ensure they weren't disturbed. "I was supposed to be the only one out here right now. It's unsafe for large groups, I haven't finished with recon, so we don't have a clue what you might be attracting by stomping around here like that! You're too loud to last here!"

   "Excuse you! I LIVED here for like, five months!" Anne declared incredulously.

   As the person was about to respond, their conversation was cut short by a loud wailing sound.

   "They heard you. You need to run! Get your friends and go!" The stranger yelled as they sprinted away from the clearing.

   "You're not gonna help!?" Anne cried out after them.

   "Nope! I'm going to look out for number one!" They yelled back over their shoulder.

   Anne scoffed and threw her hands up in shock and frustration as the wailing drew closer.

   "Marcy! Run!" Anne screamed into the forest as she dashed towards Sasha.

   Anne raced through the forest, tripping on roots and getting whipped in the face by sticks as she sprinted towards her struggling friend. She saw Sasha through the trees and leapt over a bush, crouching in front of her. She turned her back to Sasha.

   "Climb on my back! Quick!"

   Sasha attempted to climb on, but they were interrupted by the wailing, which sounded very close.

   "New plan! Sasha, you run and I'll keep them busy till I can get away!"

   "What?! That's crazy!" Sasha yelled.

   "We really don't have time to argue over this," Anne replied as she picked up a large stick off the ground. "You're hurt, and I can still run. Now go!"

   As Sasha turned and limped off into the forest, Anne faced the sounds. Sticks crunching, leaves rustling, and wailing filled her ears as they closed in on her.

   Then she heard the sound of feet pounding into the dirt of the forest floor. It was difficult to track it through all the noise, but she determined that it came from just past the line of bushes at the edge of the clearing. A large shape flashed over the bushes and jumped towards her. She leapt onto her side as it threatened to barrel over her.

   The creature slowed down a few feet away from her as it turned back for another pass, allowing her a good look at it. It had shaggy grey fur and stood at approximately shoulder height on Anne. It was thin to the point of looking malnourished and Anne wondered how it could move so quickly when it must be starving. Then, it spun to face her again.

   It stared at her down its long, triangular snout. Anne stood up then stood still, waiting and wondering what it would do next. Would it charge her again? What it did next surprised her.

   The creature opened its mouth, but not in the way one would expect. Instead of lowering its jaw the way Anne had anticipated, its mouth opened with wiggling lines spread across its snout. Its face spread open like a flower, revealing eight separate tendrils acting independently of one another, each with three large teeth running down them. They surrounded a circular mouth lined with teeth that slid between each other as the inner mouth opened and closed.

   Then, it charged.

Hungover in Another World (first draft) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now