Chapter 13: Betrayal

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Heavy Trigger Warning: Sexual Assualt


Julian must have been the one to find the glass piece if Noah hadn't but now Noah's concern for my fertility is a more pressing issue. I feel like I've been trapped here for months and my body is jumpy around Noah. When I told him I don't have a period, I thought I was being smart. I thought it would postpone my assault but I have a bad feeling now as Julian sits across from me.

He watches as I eat a ham and cheese sandwich he made me. I want to say something to lighten the atmosphere but my chest feels heavy. Even swallowing takes effort and is normally followed by a sip of water. "This-" I clear my throat and look over at him. I freeze when we lock eyes. His gaze is dark and void of warmth similar to Noah's and my breath hitches.

I look back down at the sandwich and then back up to him. He's wearing a watch today and it ticks lightly. I feel stupid for beginning to talk and deciding against it. When I was first taken I felt so confident about escaping but now, I feel like I'll be here a long time. The bolt lock on the door is too strong, the door itself is too strong. No windows. Nothing to use as a weapon besides my hands. Not even a lamp on my bedside table.

"What was your plan."

Goosebumps rise on my arms and my eyes glide from his watch to his eyes. "With the glass piece." Julian clarifies and I blink a few times. My fingers start to nervously press the ham and cheese sandwich to be thin in my hold.

"The glass," I repeat after I find my voice. The ticking of his watch seems so loud as I struggle to answer. "I don't know."

"You don't know," Julian repeats.

My shoulders lift and drop on their own and my bottom lip starts to quiver. I will it to stop but my eyes start to sting. When did I become such a baby?

"You were going to kill him with it, weren't you? You were gonna stab, my brother." Julian accuses and sucks in a deep breath. "He's all I have. If you kill him, I will find you and kill you myself. I will kill your dad and your friends."

I feel sick and tears start running down my face. "He's going to do worse to me. He's already hurt me." I mutter in defense.

"You need to think about it before being a fucking idiot. If you kill him and escape, I will hunt you. If you go into hiding, I will torture and murder everyone you love before coming to you. You don't believe me?"

I set the sandwich down on the plate and wipe my eyes. "I believe you." I cry and his eyes are like two dark voids.

"Noah wants to take care of you. The worst of what he'll do is rape you. If you can withstand it, you'll be able to eventually go upstairs. Noah will be good to you, you will have a family, and you won't even have to have a job. Everyone you love will be left alone." He grabs my arm and yanks me across the carpet causing me to yelp. "If you hurt him, I will keep my promise. You're better off complying- this will be as easy as you make it."

"Okay! Yes, I get it!" I say. Suddenly my chin is jerked to face him. "Julian-" his lips crush into mine and my stomach flips. I try to pull away but the hand on my arm leaves to knot in the back of my hair to hold me still. I push at his chest with my palms and I feel his tongue lick my bottom lip for access. I yell through my nose in disapproval and hit his chest and shoulders over and over.  He pulls back and I feel a stinging pain in my cheek.  He pulls me back in after slapping me and I open my mouth to not get slapped again.
"Good." He whispered in-between kisses and his tongue swirls in with mine as he kisses me. I stay still as he kisses me and gropes my breasts over my shirt.

Once he pulls away his eyes do a slow scan over my body. "He's gonna come so quick tomorrow."

I wipe my lips and move away from him, "Tomorrow??" I ask urgently and Julian nods.

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