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Chrissy and I have been best friends ever since freshman year. Now, it's our last day of high school and she's coming over tonight for a celebratory sleepover. It's currently lunch and I'm waiting for her in the cafeteria. Finally I spotted her and smiled, raising my hand to wave her over. But my smile quickly faded when I realized she was being tailed by someone.

"God damnit," I mumbled to myself. Jason Carver was following her around like a lost puppy. Chrissy had broken up with him over a month ago, but he clearly wasn't getting over it anytime soon. I stood up, ready to go over and help her, but then she turned around to face him. They were too far away for me to make out what they were saying, but from the looks of it, she was absolutely chewing him out. I smiled to myself at the shocked look on his face as Chrissy flipped her hair and turned around, heading towards me.

I smiled again as she got closer, her skirt swirling around her thighs and ponytail swaying. When she finally reached me I pulled her into a tight hug. She giggled and returned my embrace, causing my face to heat up at the sound.

She has the most beautiful laugh.


Chrissy had come over a few hours ago. My parents had gone to sleep after wishing is a good night, and I had decided it was safe for us to sneak downstairs and watch tv. We sat in comfortable silence until I remembered what I had been meaning to ask her all evening.

"So," I started. "What did you say to Jason today at lunch?"

"Oh, I just told him to fuck off and that I didn't like him anymore. I think my language shocked him a bit," she laughed.

"Yeah I saw his face. He seemed pretty surprised," I said, laughing too. Silence filled the room as we both turned back to the tv.


A little while later we were back upstairs. It was now after midnight and we were both getting pretty tired, but neither of us wanted to go to sleep.

"Can I play with your hair?" I asked suddenly. Chrissy looked at me and smiled before nodding. We were both sitting on the floor and she moved to sit in front of me. I grabbed a brush and started untangling the blonde strands of her soft hair.

Once I was done brushing out her hair I got two small hair ties and began to braid it. Her hair was so silky as it ran between my fingers. I didn't realize but at some point I started softly singing.

"You have a beautiful voice," Chrissy said as I finished singing and braiding her hair. She turned around to look at me.

"Thank you," I said. A tense silence filled the room as we stared at each other. I never noticed all the color in her dark blue eyes. They were beautiful, just like her. I studied her face for a few seconds before glancing down at her lips and then back up to her eyes. She smiled at me, so I began to lean in slowly. When I realized she wasn't pulling away, I quickly closed the gap between us.

After a few seconds I pulled away, just enough to look into her eyes. Our breaths mixed as we stared at each other again. We stayed that way for what felt like minutes, just looking at each other and taking each other in as the noise of the ac unit in my room grew ever louder.

"Damm ac unit," I said, reaching to turn it off. She burst out laughing, and I couldn't help but laugh along.


Author's note: I made a Chrissy playlist on Spotify. If anyone wants the link lmk but it's called Chrissy Cunningham Likes Girls.

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