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TW: Jason hits Chrissy in this story.

I hate parties. Not that I get invited to many, but my best friend Chrissy has dragged me to one tonight, and I'm hating it. It's too loud, my clothes are too tight, and people are being way too handsy. I asked Chrissy not to leave me, but she said she had to have a private conversation with her boyfriend, Jason. Well, soon to be ex-boyfriend. I had a feeling I knew what kind of conversation she wanted to have with him, and I was glad she was doing it in public, although it was still a little scary. Who knows how Jason could react to this?

I bit my lip as I watched them talking in the corner. Jason's face fell as I'm assuming she said it was over. Then he got mad.

"Are you serious Chrissy? After everything I've done for you, you're just going to walk away?" he said, voice rising steadily.

"Keep it down, Jason. Yes, I'm sorry but it's over. I don't love you anymore and I can't keep being with you. It isn't fair to either of us!" Chrissy said, trying to be reasonable.

"No, you know what? Fuck you Chrissy. I know this is because of (Y/N). She put you up to this, didn't she?"

"No, Jason. I told you, it's because I don't like you anymore. Can't you get that through your thick skull?!" Chrissy said, raising her voice a little bit. By this point, the room was quieting down and I was debating whether or not to step in. That's when he did something I never expected him to; he hit her.

Okay, it was definitely time to step in now. I raced over to them and pushed him back.

"Jason, what the hell?!" I yelled at him, trying to get space between him and Chrissy. Some of the boys from the basketball team had come over to try and calm Jason down and lead him away. One of the boys, Lucas, gave me an apologetic glance before taking Jason by the arm and taking him out back to get some air. I turned to Chrissy.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, seeing her face turning red from where he had hit her. She just shook her head, not saying anything.

"Okay, well, I think it's time we leave," I said.

The party had pretty much resumed by the time we reached my car. I opened the door for Chrissy and made sure she was settled before walking around the car to the driver's side and getting in.


Once we arrived home, I had barely stopped the car before Chrissy got out and ran to the front door. I sighed, turned off the car, and made my way to where she was standing, waiting for me to open the door. She didn't look at me when I turned the key in the lock or when I pushed open the door, she just brushed right passed me and up the stairs. I only stopped to take my shoes off before following her.

When I got to my room, Chrissy was sitting on my bed with her head in her hands, tears falling on the tan carpet floor. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Forget about him Chrissy. He's a jackass. Do you want some ice?" I ask gently.

"No," she cried. "Can you just... can you just hold me?"

"Of course," I said, heart aching for her. She was the kindest person I've ever had the pleasure of having in my life. Chrissy was the type of girl to always put others before herself, always making sure everyone else was okay and ignoring her own needs just to make people happy. She was always selfless like that. I squeezed her tighter. She turned to look at me.

"(Y/N)?" she said.


"Kiss me."

And I did. At first her forehead, then her tear-stained cheeks and finally, her lips.

They were softer than I'd imagined they'd be. We pulled apart and she buried her head in the crook of my neck. My hand went to the back of her head as I played with the ends of her hair, and I heard her giggle.

"What?" I asked, smiling. Chrissy lifted her head to look at me.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful, and a good kisser," she smirked and I felt my face heat up as I giggled too.


Author's note: I feel like my stories are all very similar so if you have an idea please request!

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